Part 1. Why are you here...really?

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Chances are you probably started to read this piece of shit because you are a hater

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Chances are you probably started to read this piece of shit because you are a hater.  You read the front cover withJ dog on the swing thing and it pissed you off.  And you were all "how fucking dare he say that kind of shit...about GOD!"   And you know what...your right.  You do hate me...because I am awesome and have all kinds of awesome sex with good church going girls who just want to break bad.   And you know what?  I am so there for them.  I do all kids of super nasty shit to church girls...and they love it!  They can't not get enough of me and my ding a ling.  "Oh god...oh god...oh god..."  all dam day long.  I should name my dick GOD.

And now you are all like "I hate really this guy."

But ask yourself this...what if I was you neighbor?

Oh shiiiiiiiiit....

Now what?  Your book says you have to love me now...  :)  So ha ha ha the joke is on you fuckers!

So go a head and hate on me...because I love your hate.

See what I mean?  

Conversation in the comment section with Compound Cult Kid :

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Conversation in the comment section with Compound Cult Kid :

Compound Cult Kid : You seem like the kind of person who does wrong and is a...ahem...what's another word for dick? I don't think there is one in the English dictionary. Seriously? "F-ing" church girls? I do not hate you. And I do not hate you because you are "awesome" I don't clarify a person who acts the way you do as "awesome" And to be honest I don't think you "F" church girls all day long. Not many girls like to be raped.

SQUID : Hey ...easy with the R-word cujo. I might be a total asshole and yes...a dick...a BIG DICK...but I am only down for consensual sober sex acts. So yeah...that's that.

*How sad that Cult Kid was taught  the only way church girls have sex before marriage is by the R word.  Taste the Rainbow.  

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