O shit

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Why do Door2Door fuckers selling super special Jesus feel the need to bother people like me with their bullshit?  

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Why do Door2Door fuckers selling super special Jesus feel the need to bother people like me with their bullshit?  

Do Jews do that?  


Do Buddhist do that?  


Do Islamist do that?  




Only Door2Door fuck faces selling super shiney bullshit pull this.  I had this one fucking Jahova chick ask me "Do you have a minute to talk about our lord and savior J.C.?"   

Literally "J.C".  Like when did Cross God go all initials?  Like a ghetto rapper banging Beyoncé?

So I told that D2D ho... "Sure you can come...as soon as I finish sacrificing the last of the stray cats to Lord Sauron in the back yard.   Do you strip while you god talk or is the sex part after the JC show?"

I do not think she understood my offer, as she did not wait on the porch until after the sacrifice as instructed.

Note to self :  Next time I think I will invite her in and save the sacrifice until after the blowjob portion of bible study.

Deep thoughts & Stupid Sh*t for Door2Door Christians.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora