Chapter Two: Difficult Groceries

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"Nooooo mommy. I don't want to come with you to do groceries." That was Callie, you know, being Callie. But what can I say? She is 4 and Easton is 6. I am in the grocery store trying to get groceries for this week but it's really hard right now. I had to drag Callie and Easton here, and trust me, that wasn't easy. Logan is working today and I have no baby-sitter this afternoon because my old friend from school Hailey Menard usually babysits for me but she had a soccer game today so I was screwed for this afternoon. I walked to the fruit section in the store and put some red strawberries, blueberries, pineapple, raspberries, blackberries, bananas and yogurt in the cart. I was planning on making a fruit salad for dessert. I put some Hamburger paddies in my cart as well because we were going to have hamburgers for supper. I picked up a few more groceries and went to the cash. Every single cash had at least 5 people waiting in line. Ugh, what luck. Callie and Easton just argued and fought with eachother the whole time.
"You think you are so smart Callie? Then what's 1+1?" Asked Easton, thinking he is a little "know-it-all."
"Ummm..." Callie obviously didn't know. She is starting school soon, 1 more month!!! So it's their summer vacation.
"1+1 is 11 because you put the two numbers beside eachother!" Replied Callie.
"You stupid! 1+1 is 3" he says smartly.
"Actually, both of you are wro-" I got interrupted.
"HAHAHA you were wrong too Easton." Says Callie happily.
"You're both wrong because 1+1=2, not 3, Or 11" I say helpfully.
"Because pretend you have one Apple, and you get another Apple! In total, you will end up with two apples" I continue, trying to explain.
It was Finally my turn in line. I put all the groceries on the cash counter and realized I saw Easton's teacher from school. Her name was Mme.Line.
"NON NON NON Easton, tu n'a pas terminé ton devoirs de l'été. NON NON NON" said Mme.Line disappointedly.
"Oui, j'ai terminé. C'est à mon maison." Answered Easton, confused.
"Bain" said Mme Line, embarrassed.
"That will be $150.00 please" says Mme line, with a horrible English accent.
Putting the groceries in my car was very hard. We all held hands until:
"A BUTTERFLY" screamed Callie and she chased after the butterfly... In the middle of the parking lot. I had to tell Easton to stay in the car for a few minutes. I pick up Callie and put her in the car, but then realize... WHERE IS EASTON?!?!
"EASTON" I yell. I don't see him anywhere, where can he be? Then I see Easton, he is sitting beside a car about to put A WORM IN HIS MOUTH!
"EASTON, DON'T YOU DARE EAT THAT WORM" i say, worriedly. But it was too late. Ewwww. He ate the worm. He puked EVERYWHERE. Ugh! Why don't kids listen. When I put the groceries in my car, I buckled up Callie and made sure that Easton was buckled. Then I drove home.

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