0.1 How You Two Meet

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Your car had just broke down and you were waiting for a ride at Starbucks. As you were waiting you noticed a really cute guy looking over at you.Blushing you looking down at your Starbucks cup biting you lip. Looking back up you saw him looking at you once again. Being the shy person that you are around strangers you kept you head down.

"Is this seat taken?" You heard a guy say a couple if moments later. Looking up you smiled softy at the guy that was starring at you moments before.

"No, you can take." I replied as he pulled the set out and sat.

"Now you look rather upset tell Dr.Connor what's wrong." He pouted as I laughed.

"Im guessing you name is Connor than." I smiled as he nodded his head making his blue eyes sparkle.

"You are correct my dear and your name is?"


"Well than Y/N, tell Dr.Connor what's wrong."

The two of you joked and laughed until you ride came. You had both exchanged numbers and he promised to call you later and set up a meet up.


You were taken your little sister to the park. She had been begging you all morning to take her because all of her schools friends were going to be there too. Being the nice sister that your are you agreed.

As your sister was playing with her friends you were sitting in a bench that had a nice shade from the blazing hot sun. It was a beautiful April day. The birds were chirping the sun was shinning brightly and there not a cloud in the sky.

Just as you looked down a soccer ball came across the air and hit you, knocking you off the the bench.

"Ouch.." You mumbled as you picked up the soccer ball and your phone from the grass. Placing them both on the bench your rubbed your head and looked for the person if belonged too.

"I'm so sorry are you alright?" Some exclaimed from behind you. Turning around you were greeted by a familiar pair of hazel eyes.

The boy before you was wearing a shy smile, his dark color t-shirt fit him nicely as his black hair was style up in a quiff like manner.

"Im fine, I'm guessing this is yours." You giggled as you gave him back the soccer ball as he chuckled lightly.

"Yeah thanks, I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to hit you. But I'm kinda glad I did.." He smiled as you blushed.

"I'm Riley."

"I'm Y/N."

"What do you say we grab some ice -cream."

Blushing you nodded you heard as you went to go ask one of your sisters friends mom if they could take her back home. Before you and Riley went off to get some ice-cream.



Your best friend called out to you as you walked to a bit faster in order to catch up to her.

"OMG slow down!" You laughed as she walked faster and faster making you both laugh once you finally caught up to her.

"You're so slow!" She mumbled as you guys started your walk to forever 21.

Just was you guys were about to walk by a cute guy walked over to you.

"Are you an interior decorator? Because when I saw you, the entire room became beautiful." He flirted as you giggled causing your best friend to laugh.

"I'm Toby and you are?"


He turned to your best friend with a pleading look as she smile and nodded.

"You go and I'll text you when I'm done." She smiled as Toby pulled you off in the opposite direction.

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