2.2 Meet/Playing With Tank (may he rest in peace)

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He had asked you to come over seeing as everyone else had left him alone for the day. Laughing as you walked into the house, a cute dog walked up to you. Smiling you leaned down and started to pet it. It didn't take long for you and the dog to start a friendship.

Picking it up, you smiled as you read the charm on the collar. "Hey there Tank.." You cooed at the dog, little did you know that Connor was watching your little love fest with his dog. Taken a quick pick he snickered giving himself away.

"Hey Con." You greeted him while placing the dog down. Smiling he hugged you tightly before looking back at Tank with a smile.

"I can see you toke a liking to my buddy here." He chuckled as you nodded you head and gave him a smile.


Riley stood at the foot of his bed, where his dog had now occupied the space he was once at. Your boyfriend chuckled as you smiled back at him and kissed the dog softly.

"Aren't you just the cutest thing ever!" You giggled as you played wight he dog.

"I thought I was the cutest thing ever.." he pouted as you giggled and waved him over to you. Looking at him you smiled, and pulled his face closer.

"I'll guess you'll just have to settle for second.." You winked before going back to playing with dog, as your boyfriend chuckled and watched you playing with his dog.


"Babe, come meet my dog" Toby shouted as he saw you from the foot of the steps. Laughing you nodded your head and walked over to him.

"AWW!" You squeaked as the cutest dog ever was sitting besides him at the foot of the staircase.

"Aren't you just the cutest thing." You cooed as you bent down to the dogs hight. Laughing as it licked you, you looked up at Toby who smiled and started to play with you and Tank.

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