8.0 One Of You Get's Heartbroken

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Peter Pan.

That's what came to mind when you thought of the situation. You knew he never intended to hurt you but he did. You hated the fact that he could just walk away from any argument you both had just simply because he could. That was his excuse each and everything you'd as him why, he say:'Because I can'.

He had everything you could ever want and more. The smile, the charm, the spark and his words. Everything was all to perfect and maybe that could've been a sign that it wouldn't work out. You were naive and gave him everything only to be let down.

You hated that every piece and part of you believed in him. The fact that you believed that he would change, that he would somehow grow up and understand that things were changing. But sadly it didn't happen and that hurt you more than you ever thought possible.


You had too much hope, you had hope that one day you'd both find your way back to one another. It wasn't much just what either of you had expected, your relationship was perfect and not just on paper. He treated you with so much respect and you returned that. Not once cheating on each other when things got tough, it was all perfect.

But now here he stood watching you wrapped up in another guy's arm. He wondered if you still ached for the feeling of his lips on yours. If you still regret the moment you both stopped fighting for each other, but most importantly did you ever forget about him.

He never wanted to admit it but feelings don't always change their mind, and he wondered if you give up because he was never around anymore. Did you give up because he wasn't able to give you the relationship you wanted so you went looking elsewhere.


You were the best thing that had ever happened to him. The moment you walked away and he let you he knew he fucked up. He noticed that every thing he did he wasn't enjoying, he couldn't enjoy it because you weren't there to enjoy it with him. He missed the bright smile on your face when he would do something goofy, or the slight eye roll when he did something you hated.

He was hands down the best thing that had ever happened to you, but even some good things must come to an end. You missed the times where he would shower you with kisses, the sweet smell of roses that he would give you. You missed everything about him at the same time you knew this was right.

You were both better off apart at the time and it tore you to pieces you couldn't help but wonder if he was happy. He couldn't help but wonder if she was happy with what she was doing now either. 

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