Dear Callie...

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Dear Calllie...

Callie was sitting in the corner of the room and drinking her now fifth glass of apple juice. She never liked parties which is why she couldn't understand why her friends threw her one. She sighed as she remembered their conversation from the day before.

"It's your 24th birthday! We are having a party. You're going to get drunk and have fun." Lindy said and glared at her. "You've been moping around for two whole damn months and you're starting to piss me off."

"Yeah because drowning my liver in alcohol is considered fun..." she murmured only to receive a slap on the back of her head. "Ouch, okay!" she huffed and walked away.

Cringing at the sight of a couple making out on her couch, she got up from her spot and speed-walked outside the house. The cold air hit her skin making her shiver and rub her arms.

It has been two months since her boyfriend sent her a letter and she was worried. She shook her head trying to get rid of the thoughts of him hurt or worse... dead.

Keith decided he wanted to be a soldier after he finished high school. His parents weren't happy at all but they supported him. Callie didn't know how to react. She was happy for him but... she was still human and there was a part of her that was selfish. She wanted him to be with her, here in New York. Refusing to show him that side of her, she pretended everything was alright.

It was the day of his first deployment. They were waiting for his plane.

"I'll miss you." He whispered to her as he hugged her tight. She couldn't hold it anymore and let the tears fall.

"I-I'll miss y-you too." She sobbed and wrapped her arms around his waist, her face hidden by her hair.

"Shhhh... I'll be back before you know it." He spoke softly and clenched his jaw trying to be strong for her. "When I come back we'll go to that Korean restaurant you've been bugging me about." She let out a small chuckle and nodded, her head still on his chest listening to his fast heartbeat. Looking up at his bright green eyes, she saw him holding his tears from falling making her heart break a little. She ran her hands through his messy hair and pulled him down to her for a kiss.

The kiss said everything they didn't say out loud.

I love you.

Be careful.

Come back to me.

Wait for me.

I'll be back.

Pulling back, he ran his thumbs under her eyes to get rid of the fallen tears and kissed her forehead.

"I love you." He whispered to her.

"I love you too." She whispered back and watched him turn around and walk away.

Wiping the tears away, she sighed and just as she was about to walk back inside, she saw a red letter at her doorstep. Her eyes widened.

Is that...? She thought to herself as she picked it up. Taking a seat on the cold floor, she took a deep breath and opened it. It felt as if her heart was going to jump out of her chest.

Dear Callie,

You are probably wondering why it took me so long to write you back this time and knowing you, you probably don't know whether to be angry or worried. I'm sorry for not writing but I promise I have a very good explanation... You're probably rolling your eyes right now.

"Smart bastard." she huffed but smiled anyway.

First I want to tell you that I'm okay. I know you've been worried out of your mind and I hate myself for it.

A month ago, my friend Nick from the base got shot in the chest and almost gave us all a heart attack but we managed to get him to the hospital in time. He's fine now and getting an earful from his wife.

I hate making you cry sweetheart but I have to tell you this... This is my last letter to you.

I want you to know that I love you so, so much and I don't know what I would do without you. You're my everything. Every night I fall asleep with you on my mind. Sometimes I'd remember when we would go to your parents' house and they would tell me funny stories of you as a child. You would blush and hide your face in your hands. I love that blush.

Other times I'd imagine we were married and living in one of those big houses somewhere on the beach. Our kids running around the yard and you pregnant, sitting on the bench and being angry at me for not bringing you strawberries from the store.

I've never met anybody else that gets my heart racing like you do.

Love, Keith.

Silent tears ran down her face. Last letter? What did that mean? That he was leaving her? That he didn't want her anymore? All kinds of thoughts ran through her mind but her heart skipped a beat when she read the last sentence.

P.S. Will you marry me?

"What the-" she jumped up and started at the paper.

"Hi." a voice in front of her said making her look up in surprise.

And there he was.

Keith stood just a few steps away from her in his uniform, holding a red rose and a ring in his hands. Her hand flew to hear mouth and she started sobbing.

"Oh my God..." she whispered and ran over to him, only to jump in his arms making him laugh. "Oh my God, you're here! B-but how?" she stepped away and looked at his smiling face.

"I wanted to surprise you." He chuckled and hugged her.

"But you weren't supposed to-"

"- be here for another five months, I know. I cut a deal with them." She looked at him more confused than ever and he explained. "I'll be working here from now on. I'll be training the new recruits."

"That means..." her eyes widened in hope and he nodded still smiling.

"No more deployment." Tears of happiness fell from her eyes and she laughed. He loved that laugh. She kissed him like that was the last time she would but she knew... it definitely won't be the last.

"So, is that a yes?" he grinned cheekily at her and she laughed again.



The End.

Hi, everyone! Thank you for reading and if you liked it please press that little VOTE button, it would mean A LOT.

I wrote this short story for a contest by thevividimaginator.

Love, J.P.

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