4. Crash and burn

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Have you ever in your life felt like you were just there for the sake of being there. Like you could do more, but no one would let you, well that's how Eden and Damian felt, as they were side by side leaning on the edge of a building.

"Damian, Eden stay here," Eden said in a deep voice, mocking Brue's words from earlier. "Why should we have to stay here? I'm my own hero I don't listen to order people orders." A group of citizens were running around crazily trying to find a way out of the city. Damian scoffed and threw a Baterang  in font of the groups feet. It exploded and they looked up worriedly, to see Damian and Eden leaning on a ledge of a building. Damian jerked his thumb in the right direction, which the group quickly followed.

"Villains pop out of nowhere calling themselves the Legion of Doom, start attacking the Hall of Justice, the Justice Leaguers get to fight them and we're supposed to stay here?" Eden said, continuing her ranting. Damian rolled his eyes as his and Eden's coms went off.

"Black Sparrow, Robin report," Batman's voice ordered through their coms. "How's crowd control?"

"Shit," Eden answered rudely. Damian glared lightly at Eden.

"Well at hand father," answered Damian. "As predicted they respond like contemptible sheep." Eden snickered slightly at Damian's comment. Eden looked up to see hail in the sky caused by Weather Wizard, but soon enough it all fell down, thanks to the Flash.

"Do you think they're done yet?" Asked Eden impatiently. Damian shrugged stiffly. Eden jumped off the legde of the building that they were perched on, and used her cape to help slow her fall. Damian soon followed. Eden and Damian walked down to a main street where a few people were still running around in chaos. Damian and Eden stood on the side of the street, quickly pushing all of the remaining citizens in the right direction. The last person had finally left the street when there was a large bang, and a loud smashing of glass. Eden and Damian quickly turned to see Superman crash through a building and onto the street infront of them. Eden and Damian were thrown back from the force of the blast. Superman lay in front of them in a small ditch that he created when he fell. Eden looked up to see none other then Weather Wizard, but this time he didn't have his staff. The wind picked up, causing Eden and Damian's capes to fly around crazily. The wind swirled around faster and faster until a tornado appeared. Eden's eyes widened as the tornado wasn't a normal colour. Whatever had happened to Weather Wizard had turned the tornado red. Eden looked closer and noticed that Weather Wizard had completely turned red and now instead of two eyes he had four, yellow menicing eyes. Wonder woman flew up, but was struck down again by a red bolt of lightning, sending her flying into Cyborg.

"Eden, move," ordered Damian, as Eden realised that she was standing still. Damian grabbed Eden's arm and dragged her slightly before letting go. "Follow me."

"Where are we going?" Eden asked following behind Damian. Damian stopped in front of a building and pulled up his grappling gun, Eden pulled hers out to and attached it to the building. Eden and Damian shot up and landed steadily on the roof. Damian got something out of his utility belt and almost immediately the Batwing came into view.

"What are we doing?" Asked Eden in a confused voice.

"Disobeying orders," Damian answered easily.

"Thank god," Eden groaned irritably. "I absolutely hate crowd control." Eden and Damian's coms went, causing Eden to groan again.

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