I snapped out of my daze and shuddered at the memory from yesterday.

I put a hand through my curly brown hair and rubbed my slightly tan face, I jumped off my counter with my Oreos and went to get changed into my work uniform.

I walked to work through the busy London streets, I got to the small cafe,(Called Poppy's) hung up my jacket and looked at my surroundings it hasn't changed I thought.

It still had rows of books lining the mint green walls and the two front windows were sparkling like normal. "Izzy oh my goodness your alright" a sweet English voice spoke up from behind me, I know who this belonged to I turned around to see my blond, gray eyed English best friend.

I ran to her even though she was only about five feet away from me.

We stood there for at least 5 minutes hugging then we pulled apart.

She pushed a lock of my brown hair behind my ear and looked at me with tears in her eyes "I missed you so much Iz, I thought I lost you" she sniffed.

"I missed you too Rosie ,you can't get rid of me that easily" My strong English accent coming though.

She pulled me into another hug and laughed.

"We have to get to work now Iz " she pulled back and wiped her tears away and put her hands on my shoulders and wiped my tears. She turned to the kitchen to start baking.

It wasn't a busy day but a lot of people still came in and some recognised me from the news as the 'girl that got kidnapped and escaped' but they didn't say anything thankfully.

At teh end of my late shift I went to the kitchen and hugged Rosie.

I picked up a muffin and started to walk home.

The sun was setting and a winter breeze was in the air. I stopped and looked around, everything looked the same but it felt different.

I threw the last of my muffin away and I walked towards the London eye. I payed and put my hood up to cover my face, the last thing I want is for someone to ask me questions.

I was alone in the box, I almost fell as it startled me by moving, all the boxes stopped before it came to my one.

I admired the view of my beautiful home until my box stared shaking and groaning but it didn't move down.

I frowned as my hands started shaking about to lose control then one side of the box broke and I was forcefully slapped against the glass and of course the glass couldn't hold me.

I mentally laughed at my lick while it cracked and shattered.

I fell far and fast I let out a squeal as I fell because I didn't have time to think.

I just stopped falling and started to float.

Kinda feels like hovering, cool

I thought as I tried to straighten up.

I looked around and I was about halfway to the ground and saw people stare at me in awe, so I did what anyone would do and got myself the hell out of there.

I hovered weaving though buildings, I accidentally headbutted into a window.

I started to rapidly knocking on the window panicking.

A man around my age came to the window with wide eyes and may I say the was handsome like wow! he opened the and I fell in on my back panting.

"Hi there" I smiled and weekly waved at him as he stared at me with green eyes, he was tall with short brown hair and a small olive tint to his skin.

He snapped out his daydream and put out his hand "I'm Peter,Peter Wilson" he said with a Scottish accent.

"Cute accent" I said taking his hand as he blushed.

He pulled me up and it stayed silent for a moment but then he spoke up "Um who are you?" he asked,his eye sparkling with curiosity.

I said the first thing that came to mind "uhh, call me switch?!" I quickly blurted out.

He pulled a funny face as I sighed "Well I just hovered up to your window, I wouldn't want to tell you my real name" I snorted.

A look of realisation hit him, he nodded and told me to sit down so we both took a seat.

"Sooooo........" I started but was interrupted by his phone "Please don't tell anyone" I said quickly, he only nodded.

"Hey mate.........yeah..........sorry I'm busy........yeah bye" he said with his adorable accent and hung up.

I smiled " who was that?" I asked

"That was Draven" he answered instantly

"Who's Draven?" I asked him leaning back into the pillows facing him.

"He's a friend" he answered also leaning back.

"Silly name" I said and he chuckled

"It sounds like the past past tense of drove" he snorted and I burst out laughing.

I don't know what went through my head I guess I wasn't really thinking.

I told him every thing from being kidnapped to my new powers.

I have a feeling that I can trust him so I did but that could just be the accent but we'll find out.

I took a deep breath and put out my hand and introduced myself properly.

"Hi my names Isabelle Prentice and I trust you"

He smiled and shook my hand.

We spent awhile just talking and soon we both fell asleep.

I realised how much I love strawberry milkshakes like they're so nice :)
I also really like the song perfect two right now to if I were you go listen to it
I hope you liked this chapter

Bye sweets xx

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