And To Think It All Started With Chocolate...

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What up, fellow Cat Ninjas!!!

and don't say the sky.

Just want to make it clear that I do NOT own any of the P.J.O. or H.O.O. characters or ideas! Those all belong to Rick Riordan!

Here I am with my first ever fan-fic! I hope it doesn't suck too much! I don't have much else to say, so lets get this thing started!

*realizes that that contained more exclamation points than were ever meant to be in an A.N.*

Hello. My name is Amelia Smith, I am 13 years old, and I am a demigod. Now you may be thinking, 'Wow, demigods are so cool!!!!1!!1' But let me get one thing straight. It's not. Honestly, being a demigod stinks. Monsters around every corner, deities trying to smite you left and right, and don't even get me started on the nightmares. I mean really?!? Is a good night sleep really all that much to ask for?!? But anyway, demigod-y-ness. Bad. Don't recommend it.

I have to say though, my life was kinda boring before it all happened. I was the crazy, ADHD, dyslexic kid that no one hung out with. I had average grades, an average home life, and an un-healthy addiction to Halloween and chocolate. Actually, it was chocolate that started it all, though you could probably guess that from the chapter title. And now I need to go fix the forth wall. Be right back!


I'm back! Now I'll start telling the story.

It was a chilly October day here in N.Y.C.. As usual, I had just gotten out of school with more homework than I could contemplate, and also as usual, instead of heading home to work on said homework, I was headed to the coffee shop for some hot chocolate. I tried to flip my brown flyaway hair over my shoulder, but it stubbornly drifted back down, completely covering the left side of my face. I sighed in frustration. I glanced up, then stopped when I realized I didn't recognize the street. The road wasn't as wide as most, and was completely covered in rotten litter. There wasn't a car in sight, not even parked on the side of the road, which was even stranger. I shivered as a chill went down my spine.

I turned around to see a small, deserted looking store. I looked at the painted sign on the coffee shop window. It was an odd writing, which made me think that my dyslexia would go crazy, but I was able to read it perfectly:

τέρας ντόνα

"Monster Donut?" I said questioningly to no one in particular, then blinked in suprise. Since when was I a living Google Translator?

But before I could really process it, I saw a sign that took my mind off everything else. This sign was in English, so my dyslexia went crazy, but I would know those words anywhere, "Hot Chocolate".

I eagerly went inside before my sense of forboding could stop me.


The inside looked like a strange hybrid of coffee shop/convenience store/hunting cabin. On the left side of the building were several mini-shelves filled with candy, crackers, nuts, and... bear traps? I shook my head and turned away. Must be one of those hallucinations I get every once in a while. The right side of the building looked like a carbon-copy of the inside of a Starbucks. Tables and chairs were scattered in "artistic placement", and behind a counter covered in donuts, stood an incredibly tall, bulky man in a barista outfit. Part of my mind was saying, 'This feels... off.' Another part of my mind said, 'Why is that guy smiling at me like that?'

But the majority of my mind was screaming, 'CHOCOLATE!'

So I walked up to the counter like I owned the place, slapped down a twenty and said with a swaggy grin on my face, "Uno hot chocolate, please."

The barista smiled evilly at me and said, "Would you like that now or after?"

My grin faltered as I stepped back, slightly spooked, "After what?"

He ripped off his apron and roared, "After I send you to the Underworld, of course!"

All of a sudden, the man jumped at me, hands outstreached. I leaped to the left, and procceded to crash into a bunch of tables and chairs. I lifted myself out of the pile of broken wood pieces, groaning, "Ow, chairs hurt, Dude."

I heard a loud crash from the other side of the store. I looked up, and yelled, "What da fudge!?!"

The Barista Dude (yes, that's what I'm calling him) had crashed right into a wall, sending dozens of metal shelves falling on top of him, not to mention the contents of them (including the bear traps that I now saw were not hallucinations). The impact probably should've killed the guy, or at least seriously injured him. But he was standing right in front of the rubble, covered from head to toe with plaster dust and candy, his face filled with rage.

"How dare you!" Barista Dude bellowed, "You let me destroy my store!" Then he looked over and saw the destroyed tables, and seemed to get even angrier. "MY TABLES!" he screamed, turning to me, "You will pay for this, demigod! Even more than before!"

As Barista Dude advanced, I found myself with no options. Barista Dude was between me and the exit, and I had no weapon. Although, looking back, a weapon probably wouldn't help, since this guy just walked out of a structural collapse unharmed.

Barista Dude picked up one of the metal shelves that had fallen, then slowly walked towards me brandishing it like a club. I backed up against the wall, and awaited my doom. I could see the headlines now:

Teenage Girl Gets Shelved To Death Just For Ordering Hot Chocolate.

Barista Dude was looming over me, shelf raised and ready to strike, smiling with glee. And that's when I realized that he only had one eye.

And then the windows exploded.

Hello again!

First of all, I wanna say, thank you for trying out my book! I'm certainly excited for this!

Be sure to comment what you think, or any thoughts on how this story could proceed!

*realizes I'm using way too many exclamation points. again.*

Sorry 'bout dat. ANYWAY! Your idea might end up in here, so be sure to comment if you have any ideas.

Also, if you think this chapter merits a vote and/or a library addence (<- I made a new word!), I'd appreciate that too!

But anyway, that about covers it! See ya next time,

Peace, fellow Cat Ninjas!

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