I Have A "Tiny" Split Personality Problem

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It was still raining/hailing outside.


It seemed like the weather was having a contest to see what kind of weather would make me the most miserable.  It kept switching from hail the size of dinner plates and rain.  And I don't mean no simple drizzle, I mean RAIN.  Forget cats and dogs, it was raining elephants and whales.  And of course, an arc of lightning pierced the sky every thirty seconds.  It goes without saying we were all soaked.

Only that Grover guy seemed unaffected.  He trotted along, oblivious to the sheets of water in our faces.  I was walking on autopilot.  Now that it seemed like we were out of danger, my brain suddenly said, "Wait, HOLD UP.  WHAT JUST HAPPENED?"

I went through the last few hours.  Just this afternoon, I had been attacked, then ran all through the city in a panic.  By the time I had gotten home, it looked like I had been zombified, then given a makeover by a vampire.  A zombie vampire.  Then Mom had conducted a one-evening move, before we got jacked by skeletons with swords.  Now we were walking at ten 'o clock at night, in the company of a guy with goat legs.

Yeah.  This is totally how average teenagers spend their Friday nights.

I tried to catch some of the conversation my Mom and Grover were having.  I didn't catch much, just a few words that kept popping up: Demigod, Monsters, Satyrs (I think that's how you spell it... :P)

Author!  Stop interrupting!








Stop it!


Ugh!  Anyway...

I was getting curious about what Mom and Grover were talking about.  When I heard, "Camp Half-Blood", I made up my mind.  I may have promised myself I wouldn't badger Mom, but that didn't mean I couldn't badger Grover!

Oh no you don't.  A strange voice suddenly echoed around us.  I froze, an unprecedented bolt of fear running through my veins.  I shivered.

My Mom turned around and said, "Honey, are you okay?"

"Just a little cold," I said quickly.  Mom raised an eyebrow, but didn't push.  She turned back around and continued chatting with Grover.

Pity, the voice said, You could've asked for help.

"Who are you!" I yelled, stopping again.  Both Mom and Grover stopped suddenly.  Mom looked terrified, but Grover simply asked, "Amelia?  Who are you talking to?"

"Can't you hear that?" I asked, gesturing around us.

They can't hear me, Amelia, the voice crooned, It's just you... and me...

"Show yourself!" I screamed, my terror escalating for no apparent reason.

The voice chuckled and said, I already have.

Suddenly, I felt my arms raise without my consent, and pointed at Grover and Mom.  The black smoke of doom appeared, surrounding us all.  Mom already seemed terrified, but now even Grover seemed to be catching on to the this-is-not-good vibe.

"What are you doing, Amelia?" he asked his voice wavering ever so slightly.

"Fools!" I yelled, before I realized that it was the voice talking through me, "You really thought that once I wanted out, SHE could stop me?  Ha!"

I felt this not-me push me-me further away from controlling my body, and I couldn't fight it.  "What are you?" I asked weakly.

Me? the voice replied in my head, I am μεσάνυχτα, Midnight!  And I am you.

The only thing I remember after that is the screams.


Hey oh!

Also, what do you guys think of Midnight?  I know, really weird name, but just bear with me.  It's hard to come up with an original name.

And I'm sorry-not-sorry about the emoji war.  Mostly 'cause I feel like that's the best part of the chapter :P.  Does anyone actually like the forth-wall thing?  I certainly feel like it deserves to be annihilated >:).

Also, in case it wasn't clear, which it often isn't with me, when a dialog is italics without quotation marks, it's Midnight talking in Amelia's head.

If it's italics "with" quotation marks, that Midnight speaking aloud through Amelia.

Anyway, I think that's it!  I wont (won't?) bother y'all ('yall?  yall?  spelling's hard D:) with self-promotion today, since I've been gone for a month!

See ya later!


(*cough* Major Fangirl Failure *cough*)

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