We (Finally) Get To The Grand Reveal! (Sort Of)

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I was running.  I didn't know what I was running from, but I knew it wasn't anything good.  And the worst part?

I was running through a school.


But it wasn't like a normal school.  I was running down a hallway, seemingly endless.  Jam was splattered all across the walls.  At least, I hoped it was jam...  The endless rows of lockers and classroom doors were chained shut by huge, thick chains.  Each one was complete with a padlock the size of my head, right in the center like a macabre bow on a Christmas present.  The air smelled of mildew, and the yellowed paint chipped off the walls and ceiling.  There were no lights, and yet I could see fine.

You won't get anywhere like that, a voice hissed.  It seemed to emanate from within the chained doors and lockers, coming from within and around.

"Who are you!?" I screamed, stopping for the first time since I'd woken up here.

Do you know where you are? The voice questioned, ignoring my question.

I looked around and replied, "A school, and not a very pleasant one, at that."

"You're wrong."

I whirled around at the sound of the voice behind me to see... me.  But this wasn't the me I knew.

This me's clothing was full of holes.  Some were rips, some were burned through, and some looked like they had been intentional, like a part of some mad design.  Her hair was completely messy, worse than when I'd come home earlier that afternoon, tangled and singed.  She was caked head to toe in dirt and... more jam.  Definitely.  LOTS of jam.

"So," Not-Me said, "You see it as a school, hm?"  She took a step towards me, and though I wanted to bolt desperately, I couldn't move.

"A-am I dreaming?" I asked, unable to hide my stutter.

"Yes!" Not-Me said, beaming in a very sinister way, "You see, I wanted to talk to you in person, face..." she took another step towards me, "...to face."

At this point Not-Me was in my face, and it dawned on me, "You... you're Midnight."  She nodded.  "Who, what are you?  Where are we?  And why,"

Midnight held a finger to my mouth, "Shhh... questions, questions, questions.  I can only say so much, you know!  All you need to know is, I may be your enemy, or your ally, at any given time.  Here," she gestured around us, "Is The Hold, or whatever you want it to be.  And the reason I look like you," she smiled again, "Well, you'll find that out soon enough.  For now, it's about time for you to wake up, and I still haven't warned you."

That got my attention.  "Warned me?"

"Yeess," Midnight crooned, "Warned you that if you tell anyone about this dream, terrible things will happen to those you love, and I will be your worst enemy for eternity, and trust me Dear," she purred as she cupped my chin with her hand, "You wouldn't want to see that.  Now, are you ready to wake up?"

I nodded eagerly.  "Why would I want to be here anyway?"

Midnight had a brief look of pain on her face as she said plainly, "You'll find out soon enough."  Then a bright look came upon her face, and she clapped her hands together and said, "Ah yes!  There is one thing left to tell you!"

I looked at her suspiciously.  "What?"

Midnight leaned in close to me, smiling.  Then she grabbed me by the shoulder, and whispered in my ear, "Deimos."

Then she snapped into my ear, and everything went black.


And it wasn't until after that I realized she had answered a question she hadn't even let me ask.

Do you guys think Midnight's developing well?  And what about The Hold?  Spooky, spooky!  ~(O.O)~



I use that word a lot...

I'll see ya'll in the next chapter!

Peace, fellow Cat Ninjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas!

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