Chapter 16

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Maddox's POV
I walk out of the pack Doctors hut and head straight for Everlys piece of shit family. They came by for five minutes to check on her and left to go back doing whatever they hell they wanted.

I should have fucking prevented this, I should have gone in with her. I ball my fists angrily and feel my wolf coming through but I hold down and try to relax. The dumb bitch Scar got away and who knows when we'll find her. She must be punished, and hard, for what she's done.

I harshly knock on the Masons door and await their answer. Her Father opens it, not expecting me, the burnt smell of the house coming through as the door swings open. His eyes widen "what a surprise Alpha, so good to see you" he bows his head but I'm too angry to make meaningless conversation

"Where were you planning Everly to stay tonight?" I ask, ignoring his previous comment

He raises an eyebrow "well the couch, until her room can be fixed and new things bought" he tells me just as Everlys Mother walks out, her face lightly up at the sight of me

I've never understood, Everly looks almost nothing like her Father, her and her Mother do have similar features but nothing too obvious "good evening Mrs.Mason I-"

Her Mother cuts me off "Oh know please call me Clara-"

"And me Jonathan" her Father says "please come in" he says and I almost frown, I want this to be a quick conversation, so I can prepare my home

I fight rolling my eyes and nod as I step in and he closes the door behind me "anyways I would like Everly to stay with me while her room is being remodelled" I ask of them knowing they can't turn me down

They look extremely confused as they stare at me "Everly? Our Everly?" Jonathan ask

"Yes" I say annoyed "I think it would be best to keep her close to the most protected house in the pack after the events of today"

They are silent for a moment but then her mothers face turns from confusion to a happy smile "of course, that's so kind of you" she says

Everlys Father looks at his mate and she at him. They seem to be talking to each other through there mate mind link. I stay quiet and watch them "right of course, when she gets home we'll send her over" Jonathan says as they turn back to me

"Thank you" I nod at them and they nod back, he grabs her at her waist and pulls her into his chest, making them look like the model couple.

They smile as I look to the door and grab the handle. Just a so open it I hear there younger daughters voice "alpha is that you?" Victoria asks form upstairs

I quickly open the door and they thank me for coming, they wave with a smile as I walk away.
Within ten minutes of me telling Lena what has happened she's gone from tears to screaming in joy "oh my god! This is amazing! But horrible of course, I feel so bad for her" she shakes her head "she has no one, except us of course! We have to clean this place up! I can't believe she's coming here. You'll finally be able to talk to her, this could really bring you two closer" she says and Peter laughs, his arm around her shoulders

And I try to cover my smile "ok ok" I shake my head "let's get ready for her"

Lena jumps up and starts to clean up, we decide her room will be one over from matter how much I want her with me. Me, Peter, and Lena all gather in the kitchen to start dinner "I'm really happy for you man, I'm sorry all of this happens though" Peter says running a hand through his dark hair "I can't imagine how Eve feels, she just lost both her best friends. And one of them tried to kill her" I wince at his statement "how's she doing anyways? Healing alright?"

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