Chapter 19

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Maddox takes my hand and we walk hurriedly across the yard. He looks back at me with a smile as we walk up to his house. By the time I step in and the door shuts Maddox's encloses me against it, lifts me up, and wraps my legs around his hips. I gasp but it's swallowed with his lips.

After I get past the initial shock of the two second ordeal I melt into his body and wrap my arms around his neck, my fingers raking through the dark hair on the nape of his neck. His lips are hungry yet soft against mine. He pushes me up a little further up the door and pulls my chest closer to his.

My eyes shoot open and I pull away "Wait what about Lena and Peter?" I ask panting

He looks at me, breathless "their plumbing is fixed, they moved back yesterday" he says and I nod to go back and kiss his addicting lips

My fingers rake through his soft hair and I savour each movement of our molding lips. It feels like an eternity since I've touched him, been around him. Three days feels like such a long time....

One hand unwraps from my leg and move up to my cheek, moving behind my neck. Hip lips devour mine and his scent amplifies, making me feel lightheaded. Even though my thoughts are blurred and my brain turns to mush when I'm with him. My lust turns into a lust to know more about him, the time we've spent together hasn't been talking about him.

I pull away a little but his lips don't stop, they move to my cheek, then my jaw, and then to my neck. The feeling send chills down to my toes.

"Maddox?" I try to say as normally as possible but my voice cracks and I fight to keep my eyes open

"Hmm?" He hums in question and I have to force my moan in by biting my lip

"Can we talk?" I ask, I need to know more about him. About his family, about his life before here, I want to know why he did all those things in the beginning, and I want to know what we are now.

His blissful attach on my neck pauses and he looks up at me with black eyes. He kisses my nose and nods "of course" he says and drops me down to my feet, my legs very wobbly "I'm sorry, I just missed you" my heart leaps into my throat at his words

He holds my hand and we walk past the staircase and into his beautiful office. He pulls us around his desk and sits in the dark leather seat. I furrow my eyebrows and turn to the seats across the desk.

I feel his arms wrap around my waist and he pulls me back "where do you think you're going?" He asks and I smile, almost tripping but I fall into his lap

I wrap my arm around his neck and he pulls my legs across his. "What do you want to talk about?" He asks and I sigh leaning my head on his chest

"You" I say softly and look up slowly

He shakes his head and smirks "I'm not all that interesting, I want to know more about you" he says, his eyes glowing with interest and his smile growing, the arm around my waist pulling me closer

I giggle and roll my eyes "fine, only if you tell me about yourself after" I say, trying to sound stern

He laughs lightly and it's the most beautiful sound "deal" he nods and leans back, ready for my explanation

I start when I was young, how my parents never did really like me. I told him the story of how me, Scar, and Logan became friends. I tell him about how me and Victoria used to be best friends but five or so year ago she stared to hate me. I tell him a lot about Lucian and May, how they always made me feel welcomed and loved. When I talked about them I choked up, he frowned and wiped my tears. I told him stories of some of the pack members saying horrible things to me, not mentioning any names, even though he begged me. I knew he would punish them and I didn't care all that much now. He never asked once about why they called me the weak link, I leave out every mention of me being...what I am. It's not that I don't trust him...I'm just scared. I'm scared of what he'll do or what he'll say. I just got him back...I don't want to loose him.

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