Chapter 24

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I wake up to the sound of a loud annoying ringing, I cringe and snuggle closer to Maddox's warm chest. I hear him growl and pull me closer to him as his arm removes it's self from my waist. It's been a week since we found out our Luna and alpha were murdered. School has been hell with everyone looking at pity, shock, anger, or jealousy towards me about something that's happened in the past few insane months. I've spoken to my family twice. I called my Mother to ask how she was doing and the day after Maddox and me went over to tell them what information he has collected; I offered to go alone but he wanted to be with me.

Their wasn't much more information, people are all shocked and in mourning all over again. We've looked at his books and he went to neighbouring packs weeks before his death and that's where Maddox is looking next. I've tried to stay calm and busy. But I look at everyone in my pack differently...knowing there is a possibility someone here did it.

I hear him growl "What?" He barks into the phone but I try to drift back off

His body goes stiff a moment and he uncurls himself from me and gets up. Leaving me alone in the cold sheets. I turn over half asleep. "Yes sir" he says
"I'll see you then" he hangs up and I start to open my eyes at the silence.

I watch Maddox run a hand down his face and sigh. "Hey" I say groggily, sitting up and stretching my arms "who was that?"

He turns to me slowly and looks me over "my Father" his voice is rough and has an angry edge to it

My eyes widen at this "you're seeing him?" I ask. From Maddoxs stories my heart speeds up at the thought of the scary man he calls Father.

His eyes go dark and somewhat sad "he's coming here." The room goes still and the air leaves my lungs

"Oh" I choke out

"With my" he says and looks away, a hand running through his hair

The sunlight shades across the blinds creating lines of light across his tan perfect body. "That's short notice...I thought the surrounding packs alphas were coming today" I tell him, remembering a few days ago he told me he was holding another meeting

He nods and walks back over to me and the bed. He scoops me up from under the covers and pulls me to his chest. "They are...he still doesn't trust me" he growls "he wants to be here when I present myself to the the more powerful allies for the first time. The ones I met with before were small packs, he tried to come to that as well but I blew him off" his hold on me tightens "I've tried avoiding him but I know I won't get around it this time"

I take his cheeks in my hand and pull his angry eyes to me. They instantly soften. "Hey it'll be ok, I'm here" I kiss his nose and a small smile breaks out across his full lips

"God I love you" he wraps his arms around me and lies us back down in the soft pillows

I blush hearing those words, I think if he said that all day every day I would never get tired of it. "I love you"

He smiles against my neck and places a soft kiss on my skin. But quickly looks up at me "you have school missy" he says and I frown "don't worry they aren't coming till later, I'm gonna have to meet with the council and Peter all morning to put it together" he says and I nod kissing his sweet lips

"Alright well I better get ready" I say knowing I'm probably gonna be late anyways

I step off the bed and onto the cold floor. Before I can step away I feel his strong arms wrap around me and pull me back in the bed. I giggle as his lips kiss all over my face and neck. His fingers move to my stomach and tickles me as I wiggle and laugh loudly in his arms.

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