Chapter 26

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The sky looks dark and dull, grey clouds sweep across the open stary sky. Haunting moist air makes a chill go down my back. The woods around me are deathly quiet. The field I stand in is the furthest from the pack but still remains in the territory. I feel strangely strong, I feel as if I'm the brightest thing all around me, I look down at my skin and it seems as if I have captured the hidden sun.

I'm startled to look over and see both my parents struck in fear as they look up at the full glowing moon, peaking from behind the clouds. My Mother is on her knees hands folded and my Father stands crouched with her. They both stare hypnoticly at the growing moon, with every second it gets bigger and pulses as if it's talking in anger. The next thing I see knocks me off my feet.

Scar stands in her wolf form at the edge of the tree line. Growling and bearing her teeth. Her eyes look at me with pure deathly hatred. I try to scream but my vocal cords stay still as I try to rush to my feet. Soon more werewolves appear behind Scar as if she leads them. They all howl at once, up to to moon god, the deep piercing sounds makes my heart stop. I look everywhere for Maddox, searching, praying he's near.

As I scan the area I see a wolf with pitch black fur, eyes golden brown and I know it's him. At first I smile but I realise he's in the mass of other black wolves behind Scar. He makes no attempt to save me...he looks at me like he doesn't even know who I am. Tears stain my cheeks, they fall so hard and fast I'd be surprised if my skin wasn't permanently indented.

I see my mother slowly turn to me with her hypnotised eyes turned white  "Soon my dear, prepare yourself for the beginning of our new world" she says in a god like voice. My mind starts to spiral and I try my best to keep my heart from pounding out of my rib cage.

The forest around me begins to close in, shielding me from the threats around. Soon the trees get too dense and I'm left alone. In darkness.

Jolting awake I instantly feel a hand on my shoulders. Maddox leans over me. The moon light is soft against his sharp and tired features "Everly? Why are you crying?" He says hurriedly, quickly waking up

I blink my eyes rapidly and find the tears slip down my skin. It takes a moment for me to realise it was just a dream but I'm not as relieved as I had hoped. I'm still scared. My body is so hot I feel like I can't breath.

As I look at him I see the golden brown eyes from my dream. As if under a spell or hypnotised. I scoot away from him a little "Everly" he reaches out his hand to touch my cheek but again I pull away unable to find the words. "Baby please tell me what's wrong" by now this is the most I've ever seen him panic. He doesn't move a muscle; not wanting to be rejected by his touch again.

Finally my vocal cords become loose again and my arms unrestrict themselves from my body. "Sorry" I say horsely, now able to look into the soft teary eyed Maddox. "Bad dream" is all I'm able to say, remembering my parents stunned faces, Scars demon like eyes and all the hungry eyed wolves behind her...The strange voice. I shiver at the flashback.

"Please" I had not realised his hand was out stretched to me. His eyes hold as much rejection and hurt in them as I can imagine. I quickly take his hand and he pulls me in. I don't know what I was thinking, Maddox would never be anything like that and the last werewolf to follow Scar.

That idiot Herk made me dream that after the things he said...what game is he playing?

My mind is cut off by Maddox "are you still afraid of me" he asks hardly above a whisper...a thing a Alpha never does.

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