Chapter 9

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Shappire's View:

I woke up on the couch at Scarlet and my house to the smell of pizza.

"Great, now i'm hungey" I thought, getting up and going to the kitchen.

"Shappire's up" Billie Said. Wait... BILLIE"S HERE???? Scarlet got up and Smiles at me


"How many did you have?" I asked, looking at the pile of blow pop wrappers. She smiled evily.


"Oh God..." I said, Face palming. She giggled and I noticed Tre wasnt there.

"Where's Tre?"

"outside in the pool" Scarlet said. When I got out to the pool, Tre was there. He was swimming around; I dont think he saw me. He got out and I nearly screamed.


He saw me and ran over

"Sapphire I- Im sorry. I just..... I was a complete dick."

"What do you mean?"

"When I broke up with you. I shouldnt expect anything but love form you,and I didnt. I expected you to be a goody goody but... You're fine the way you are. Please forgive me?' I just look at him for a moment before grabbing his face and kissing him roughly. He groaned and kissed back, his hands on my waist. Slowly, they wondered to and down my back until they stopped at my ass; grabbing it.

When I gasped, he shoved his tongue down into my mouth, and began exploring every bit of it. He began pulling at the bottom of my dress; signaling that he wants it off. At this point I was greatful we had a tall brick wall around our house. I started pulling at it,then it was down (deing it was strapless) It fell to my ankles. He began nipping at my neck and messing with my bra, making me breathe unevenly. I felt him smile on my skin and he picked me up and wrapping my legs around his waist before going back in the pool.

Billie's View:

"what do you think they're talking about?" I asked Scarlet, who was drinikng a coke. she shrugged.

"Wanna go see?"

"sure." I said. When we got outside, Scarlet quickly looked away and I covered my eyes, turning away and walking inside with Scarlet.

Well then....

A/N.... well this is chapter 9 the real one lol XD

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