This Feeling

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Dimitri Pov
I have been really careful these past couple of days. I've been nicer to Jacob and I have been ignoring Jayden too. Every time I see him I get butterflies in my stomach and my heart thumps a lot. I don't know what this feeling is but I don't like it.
I saw Jacob in line to get some lunch. I went up to him and started talking.
"Hey." He jumps and turns around.
"H-hey." He mumbles
"So..." I say while scratching my head. He looks at me.
"Um.. I just wanna say that I'm really s..s...sorry about what I did to you. It's not right to push someone around and make them to things you can do yourself. And I was wondering if you would ever forgive me." I said nervously.
He stood there and took everything in. He stared at me for about a minute then said something.
"Y-yes." He finally said.
"Are you just saying that because you think I'll pick on you. Or are you actually forgiving me?" He shook his head.
"No I forgive you." He said. I smiled at him.
"So wanna be friends?" I asked. He looks shocked then nods his head so fast I thought it might fall off. I laugh.
He's not bad after all.
We got our lunch and sat down. We talked about our likes and dislikes. He's a pretty cool kid, I don't know why I picked on him. When lunch was over we dumped out trays and started walking to class. I had open campus but I still want to walk him.
We got to the door of his next class and said our goodbyes.
"Wait!" I yelled before he got in. He turns around.
"Um can I have your number?" I asked. He smiled and nods. He hands me his phone and I hand him mine. After we exchanged phone numbers we said our goodbyes and left. Nobody was in the hall as usual. I had to take a piss so I started to walk toward the bathroom when I saw someone I didn't want to see.
I quickly turned to walk the other way when he grabbed me by my wrist and pushes me up against the lockers. My heart beats so fast I'm sure that he could hear it. He just gave me a cold glare.
"W-what?" I said after a minute of silence. He looked at my body starting from my head all the way down my toes . I started to get hard. I was about to say something when he cut me off.
"What are you doing?" He asked.
"What do you mean?" I asked confused.  
"You know what I mean. What do you think your doing hanging around my cousin? Do you like him? Is that why you picked on him because you like him? I saw you two giving each other's numbers. Have you been texting each other?" He said kind of angrily.
Who does he think he is? Doing all of that stuff to me then asking me all of these questions. He doesn't own me. He can't tell me what to do.
"It's none of your business." I sneered at him while I push myself off of the lockers.
"You can't tell me what to do. You don't own me I can do whatever I want!" I yelled at him. I felt good saying all of that. It's like a weight has been lifted off of me. I shouldn't have been celebrating now because right now Jayden looks pissed. My smile turned upside down.
He dragged me to the bathroom. And pushed me on the floor. I hear something unbuckling. I look up and I see his limp dick in front of my face.
"Suck it." He says in a harsh tone. I shake. This isn't him. Why is he acting like this? I shake my head.
"Suck it now or else I'll make you." He says between clenched teeth. He's scaring me now.
"N-no." I say in a whisper. He grabs my head and pushes it forward. I kept my mouth closed.
"OPEN YOUR MOUTH!" He yelled. Why is he acting like this?
I kept me mouth closed. He yanks my hair even harder. God it hurts. I held in a whimper.
I SAID OPEN  YOUR FUCKING MOUTH!" He yells even louder. I didn't do anything. I was too sacred to even move.
He pushed me down so I fell on my butt. He starts to unbuckle my pants. I shake my head fast.
"S-stop." I cried out. Tears were about to come out. I looked in Jayden's eyes and saw all black. He was scaring me. He might even rape me.
He tried to take my pants off when I kicked him in his stomach and he fell backwards.
"I said stop. What is your problem? First your nice then your angry. What did I ever do to you? I apologized to Jacob today and asked if we could be friends. I wanna try and change. I don't want to be the bully that everyone is afraid of anymore. If you want a fuck buddy go find someone else. I'm not your toy Jayden." I said while crying. I haven't cried since 3rd grade when someone took my cookie. I must look like a real cry baby now.
I look up and see that his face is back to  normal. He buckles his pants back up and walks toward me. I back up.
"I'm not going to hurt you." He says calmly.
He leans down and buckles my pants back up. He pick me up and sets me on his lap. There was an awkward silence for a couple of minutes, when he decided to talk.
"I'm sorry. When I saw you too together I was jealous. I though you liked him more than you like me and I got mad. I just want to be your first everything. I don't want you as fuck a buddy and I don't want anyone else. I want you." He says while looking straight in my eyes.
"Why?" I ask
"Because I like you." He said
My hearts thumps fast again
What is this feeling?

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