Ch 9

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He growled deep in his throat. Felt his his hands tighten into hard fists. Felt his teeth crack and his jaw creak from the strain he was putting on them as he grit his teeth hard to keep from roaring his frustration.
He had to find him.
He. Had. To. Find. Him.

That boy whose very essence set him on fire.

His Light.
As he raced through town faster than anyone ever should he kept his nose pointed towards the sky, searching for any hint of the scent the boy gave off, the very scent that made his blood sing and his mouth water. Anything, even the smallest waft and he would be able to track it to wherever it was he'd been taken.
The beast in the human guise grinned a wide toothy grin as he remembered. The taste and feel of the slender young man in his arms. The way he smelled, the way he moved and even the desperate sound of his voice- every single one of those things was etched- no, carved into his very soul.
It was the boy's eyes though that made him tremble. That made his body shiver and explode with wild desire.
Gold and blue.
Wide and brilliant.
Filled to the brim with pure light and life.

It was only until he saw those eyes, gazed into the deep, clear depths of them that he finally understood the meaning behind the nonsensical saying, "the eyes are the windows to the soul"- they very well were he thought for gazing into the eyes of that boy had left him breathless from the sight he saw there: pure, dazzling brilliance.

His own eyes very well rolled into his head from the memory of those strange, lovely eyes so much like a deer's caught in headlights, staring straight at him.
But then...
That boy had gotten in his way.
The one with a shroud of darkness trailing behind him, undulating around him like a living breathing beast.

Not like the one that crackled and swirled around him when he partook of the splendid life rushing through a humans body.

Still, it had been enough to give him pause- no human should posses that sort of darkness, it was just far too pitch black for one young boy-man to possess. There had to have been something in the boy's past to cause such darkness to materialize around him, to emanate off him in those swirling tendrils.

They were not enough however to scare the likes of him off.

In fact the boy's whole aura actually only served to infuriate him.

The boy-man had the nerve, the nerve! to shoot him. Him!
And granted, it hadn't killed him but it sure as hell still hurt. The feeling of the bullet exploding into his temple, piercing through bone, flesh and brain matter to then rip through his head and burst out of the other side, leaving behind a gaping hole in his head, was mind numbing. The whole experience itself had been strong enough, powerful enough to make him wince with the mere memory of it.
Still, the feel of heat and mind numbing pain, the smell of singed hair, blood and gun smoke- he smiled...
Pain so sweet and made all the more sweeter because of the fact that he could feel it. The feeling of shutting down while his body regenerated. The sound of cool air slipping through the hole in his head. He could feel it all with such clarity and the knowledge that he could had been enough to place the searing pain wracking his body on the back burner. He was alive. And that though alone was what made him react. 
That was when he'd come to.
He'd gotten to his feet and locked eyes with the sight before him. That strange boy-man was daring to touch what was his. His! The sight of the precious life seeping out of his Light's neck staining and soaking into the other's clothes had been enough to make him forget the pain and go after them.
He'd been readying himself to tear the slender bleeding boy right out of the the boy's arms, rip both of these clean off and sweep the other into his own arms so as to flee into the night when from somewhere behind him a voice had cried out just one word.
In the fraction of a second it took for him to register that there was another behind him the boy-man had turned to face him and in less than another mere seconds (it'd seemed) riddled his body with bullet after bullet.
He'd blacked out for much longer that time.

When he finally did come to, he'd been surrounded by people of all shapes and sizes, ages and genders. Somewhere red and blue lights blinked over and over while elsewhere a wailing siren assaulted his sensitive ears.

His Light was gone.

And that was all that had mattered at the time.

He'd ended up slaughtering every single one of the wretched souls around him. His ire then had been too great.

"Tsk." He grit his teeth.
The mere memory of his loss was enough to make his chest ache and his body vibrate with renewed anger.
He picked up the pace.
There was absolutely no way in hell he would let this one get away. Not his Light. It'd already been a week and he still felt full of life. Bursting with strength. Singing with energy. Buzzing with every emotion he'd once lacked.
And if a mere handful of seconds drinking from the boy gave him a week of life... he could only imagine what hours of slow languid drinking would afford him...


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