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I watched the back of Astrid's red shirt as she walked down the halls into the medbay, Marcus had found the enterprise and was now hailing the ship. A strange thrill went through me as I knew our game of cat and mouse was soon to end. They sat me down on a examining table and a ship wide conn went off. We listened to Marcus blabber on about how Kirk couldn't trust me and about how he had to clean up his messes. I glanced over at Astrid, just to see what she was doing, for she was normally very entertaining.

So you're Astrid" one of the red shirts said with a flirtatious smile.


"Piss off!" She snorted rolling her eyes. I smirked slightly, I had no idea how one person could have so much sass.

"Watch your language, Miss.Scott" Bones grumpily said. Astrid didn't take to kindly to his chastisement so she silently flipped him the bird.

"Well at least we are moving again." Bones murmered as he ran a medical device over my chest.

"If you thing we are safe at warp you're wrong." I said looking at him before glancing at Carol who soon took off after making eye contact with me. The ship suddenly jerked out of warp, and was soon jerked around by multiple shots that were fired at us. Astrid glanced over at me, her normally expressive face was now blank with no emotion.

Kirk walked though the door, walked over to where I was then turned to face me.

"Tell me everything you know about that ship" he demanded

"Drednort class, two times the size three times the speed, Advanced weaponry modified for a minimal crew. Unlike most federation vessels, it's solely for combat" I replied.

" I will do everything I can to make you answer for what you did" Kirk said pausing, I glanced at him not uttering a word "But right now I need your help" he said softly. I was surprised, what made this Captain ask for my help ? Did he really think I would just help him without retribution?.

"In exchange for what?" I blankly asked, wanting to know what exactly he would offer me

"You said you would do anything for your crew, I can guarantee their saftey"

"Captian, you can't even guarantee the saftey if your own crew"

"Bones what are you doing with that tribble?" Kirk asked obviously avoiding my statement

"The tribble is dead I'm injecting khans platelets into the tissue of a deceased necrotic host. Khans cells regenerate like nothing I've ever seen and I want to know why" Bones responded. Kirk slightly moved, and I looked at him.

"You coming with me or not?" He asked

"Yes, besides it seems like you need my help more then I need yours" I said standing up

"What about you Astrid?" Kirk asked. Astrid looked at him, narrowing her eyes slightly as her lips pressed into a frown.

"Aye" she said begrudgingly as she stood. We walked out of the room and started our way to the shoot, we went to change into the uniforms that would protect us from the harsh space terrain. Astrid walked down the hallway after she had changed, she seemed more confident then she was before.

"What? 'Ave ya never seen a lass before?" She replied cheekily.

"How old are you again" Kirk said biting his lip. I rolled my eyes and snorted slightly mumbling something about Kirk and his many affairs with women.

"Technically I turn twenty today" Astrid said looking forward.

"Happy birthday" I said deciding to speak up. Kirk smiled awkwardly and wished her a happy birthday before comming Scotty.

Astrid's demeanor changed completely when she heard Kirk talking to Scotty, she looked like a young child longing for its parent.

"You want to do what?" A Scottish voice said over the communicator Kirk was holding.

"Were coming over there as soon as were moving the Enterprise over into position as we speak"

"To this ship? 'ow?"

"There's a cargo door hangar seven 1-0-1 a you need to find the manual override to open that air lock" I said suddenly speaking up.

"Are you crazy? Who ever you are"

"Just listen to him Scotty it's going to be alright"

"It is not going to be alright you want me to open a airlock into space where I might freeze, die ,and explode." Kirk rolled his eyes as Astrid became more and more worried.

We climbed down the metal ladders into the trash ejector, Astrid stood beside me and she looked a bit nervous.

"You okay?" I asked softly.

"Just fine, thanks fer askin" she mumbled

"Scotty howa re we doing over there?" Kirk asked.

"I wish I had better news, I blocked their access to the ships computer,but they will have fill weapons in three minutes an next time I won't be able to stop them from destroying the enterprise. Stand by" Scotty said.

"Captian the ships are aligned" Spock said over the communicator

"Copy that" Kirk said, "Scotty!"

" I'm in the hanger give me a minute" Scotty said. "I'm running stand by, ehhhhh. Woah! Woah! Woah! ah hold on there Captian this door is very wee, I mean you know small it's four meters tops. It's gunna be like jumping into a moving car off a bridge into a shot glass"

"It's okay I've done it before " Kirk laughed both Astrid and I glanced at Kirk strangely

"Yeah it was vertical we had to um uh... It doesn't matter. Scotty!!!"

"Did you find the manual override?" I asked

"Thee manal override Scotty?" Kirk said at the same time.

"Not yet! Not yet."

"Captain before You launch you should know Rhee is a considerable amount of debris between us and the Revenge" Spock stated

"Not now Spock. Scotty are you ready?"

"No,just give me two seconds ya mad bastard"

Astrid couldn't help but to giggle at her uncles statement.

I sunk down ready to be launched into space and Kirk did the same next to me, Astrid was last to do so but as she did her hand slightly brushed mine.

"Okay Captain stand by. Come on, come on. Yes! Okay okay I'm set to open the door"

"You ready" Kirk asked us

"Are you?" I said with a grin.

"Spock pull, the trigger"

"Yes, Captain launching activation sequence in 3,2,1." Spock's voice said counting down.


Hello everybody,

I am officially back from the dead! Hahaha just kidding (I was never dead). Sorry for my leave of absence I've been super busy! But now I should have more time to write and plan things. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Fans of Supernova and Dark Star, I wanted to let you know as soon as I finish DS I shall start on the sequel:) Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Lots of love- Nicole

Dark Star: Star Trek Into Darkness fan fic (Khan's Story)Where stories live. Discover now