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"The first time it happened, it terrified me."

Makoto slowly came to his senses, feeling the cold, gravelly cement beneath him. Where was he...? He could feel something warm on his hands, on his face... There was a metallic taste in his mouth. His eyes shot wide open as he realized what it was. Blood! Was he bleeding?! Where was he?! He thought he must have gotten an injury, though strangely enough, he felt no pain, other than the sting of a small cut on his hand. But that wouldn't spill this much blood...! He sat up the second he was no longer frozen in panic staring down at his hands. Stained pink... But this couldn't be his, right? He was shaking slightly now, knowing that it was inevitable that this was someone else's blood. But whose? In his dazed and slightly panicked state, a quiet dripping sound caught his attention. At first, he assumed it must be water coming from the gutters. Looking up, he could see he was in an alleyway in between two buildings. But something felt just... Off. Here he was, in a dark alley covered in blood, and it looked like it was nighttime. It wasn't all that dark out, so the sun must've just set, but...

He slowly got to his feet, before turning around to see if it really was just the gutters. The moment he did, however, his breath caught in his throat, and instead of a scream all that came out was a horrified choking sound. "Wh-wha-?!"

A mangled, tattered body was pinned to the wall, pink blood dripping down from all the stab wounds that had been inflicted on it. The only thing holding it to the wall were two pairs of shiny, silver scissors, one protruding from each hand. Some of the fingers were missing, a few others hanging on by a scrap of skin or flesh and bone... Dripping, dripping, dripping... The dripping sound continued. The persons face was hardly recognizable, he couldn't even begin to guess who they might be... Drip, drip, drip. For a moment he felt as if he were going to puke, and the next vomit had already shot up his throat, tears stinging his eyes as it burned its way from his stomach to the ground. Disgusting... This was so disgusting! He wanted desperately to cry for help, but somewhere in him he knew that they'd put the blame on him. He was... Covered in this persons blood after all... However, as much as he wanted to run away, it felt as if his legs had turned to lead. So many stab wounds, so many holes... So much blood... He almost fainted right then and there, eyes locked on the scissors.

... The scissors....

Before he knew it, he had fled that place, almost tripping over his own feet quite a few times in his panic. His house wasn't far... Thankfully no one saw him, most were inside by now... Komaru was at her friends house for the weekend, and his parents were still at work... He'd gotten away from that with no questions asked. He must really be lucky... Extremely lucky, and unlucky at the same time to even end up there in the first place. How had he even gotten there?! He didn't remember being anywhere near there, nor did he remember it being that late. Similar things had happened to him before when he was younger- He'd suddenly find himself somewhere without remembering how he'd gotten there, or find himself doing something he didn't remember starting. However, it had been a few years since anything notable had happened with this. He'd just brushed it off as dissociation...

He took a shower as soon as he managed to stop crying, letting the hot water rinse all the blood off his skin. His was going to need to wash his clothes as soon as he got out of the shower, before anyone else saw them... It seemed every time he closed his eyes, he saw those damned silver scissors again, guilt and dread washing over him every time. Why should he feel guilty?! Calling for help would have done nothing, and it wasn't as if he had killed them... Why did he keep picturing those scissors? There was nothing special about them. Just plain silver scissors. They seemed so clean despite how much blood there was everywhere else, and even there was so little light, they were shining... His fixation still didn't make any sense. They were just scissors... His strange fascination with the scissors wasn't even the worst part however. What was worse, and what made his gut twist, was the fact that the scene....

It looked so familiar.

It shouldn't be familiar. He'd never seen anything like it before. He didn't watch horror movies or play scary games. Why did he feel like he'd seen that before? Maybe it was just misplaced familiarity, dejavu or something... But it was unsettling. Sure enough, as soon as he stepped out of the bathroom, he could hear police sirens outside. He'd gotten out of there just in time... He was still shaky as he got into his pajamas, not being able to keep his mind off of what he'd just seen. Why did it..? He supposed he should just... Go to bed, and hopefully, this would all pass by the time morning came. He knew he'd likely never, never forget it, but he could hope it might just blend together with all the other strange happenings, and he'd never have to think about it again.

This was not, however, how things turned out for him.

(A/N: Keep in mind that this is just the prologue, and that is why it's so short! The following chapters will be much longer ^^)

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