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"Makoto, you're home early! I didn't even have to call you!" Komaru seemed surprised that he had come back without her telling him to, however at the mention of his 'real name' he scowled, and his sister quickly fixed her mistake. "S-sorry! I meant Sho!"

"It's fine." The brunette huffed, a little annoyed, but he was in an otherwise good mood. He just got a guys number! Other than him, he only had two other friends, so he was pretty happy that he had someone else to spend time with now. Not that Enoshima and Mukuro were boring, of course... It was just nice to have some variety.

"Er... Dinner's going to be ready soon!"

Sho still thought it was strange that Komaru acted so awkwardly around him, as they had known each other for, well, their whole lives. He doubted she could be suspicious of him... After all, he hid his tracks pretty well. She really had no reason to suspect him of doing anything unlawful or dangerous! Plus, she still called him by that name, and it irked him. After all these years, shouldn't she know? Jeez! It had been seventeen years...

"Yeah, whatever, I'm not that hungry. I'll eat later."

Before Komaru could talk him into eating with the rest of their family, he ran upstairs, a grin stretched across his face. He wanted to be alone so he could call that pretty boy~! And tell Junko what had happened, of course. He had to tell her EVERYTHING.


Makoto looked down at his phone when he heard it buzzing, furrowing his eyebrows when he noticed that whoever was calling him wasn't in his contacts. Ugh, just another telemarketer, probably, though this same number had called him quite a few times today, this being the third time... They were all too persistent these days, or maybe he was just unlucky. It was kind of annoying, though picking up and having to listen to some sales pitch was even more bothersome. Hmph... He was trying to study for once, why wouldn't they just leave him alone? Ugh! Well, whatever, if the same number kept calling him tomorrow he supposed he'd just block it.

His stomach growled, and Makoto glanced at the clock. It was well past dinner time... It wasn't like his parents to just neglect such responsibilities. It was possible he had just forgotten to eat dinner... He forgot a lot of things. He hadn't forgotten about his encounter with those two strange girls from earlier today, however. None of that made any sense... It felt more like a fever dream than anything, but he knew that had really happened. It was too vivid to just be a weird dream! He wondered if maybe it was Junko calling his phone... No, what happened had to have been a joke, right? There was no way she'd have his number! Either way, he wasn't answering it, even if it was a world-famous supermodel... It was probably just an impersonator of her, anyways...

Finally, the phone stopped ringing- And just as he was about to be relieved, he got a text message from the same number.

[???]: Why aren't you picking up?

[Makoto]: Who is this? Why do you keep calling me?

[???]: You don't remember me? We met earlier tonight.

That was strange... He didn't remember leaving the house after he got home from school today, much less meeting someone and giving them his number.

[Makoto]: Er, I met a girl named Junko earlier today, and there was another girl with her, but otherwise I didn't meet anyone... How did you get my number, anyways?

Kirigiri tilted her head slightly at this, having been watching Togami's phone screen over his shoulder- Not that she was trying to be nosy, but he was texting the boy she suspected to be the killer, so she felt it was her obligation to at least pry a little. At least, she thought that the boy her step-brother had encountered was Sho, also known as Naegi. The blonde had described the way he spoke, and it matched up with the way Sho spoke, so it was highly likely it was him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2017 ⏰

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