Kyouko Kirigiri

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Kirigiri sighed as she came home, closing the door quietly behind her. The house was quiet, as usual, she would hardly be able to tell if anyone were home had the lights not been on. Her dad wasn't home yet, though... Oh, right, her step-brother was at their place this week. He was probably up in his room reading, as usual. He had an... Unusual interest in the recent murder case, though honestly, Kirigiri couldn't blame him. It was a rather interesting case... She supposed she should tell him about her current suspect, though knowing him, he probably wouldn't believe her. The detective took off her boots and went upstairs to her own room, as she wanted to write down her encounter with 'Sho' before she forget the details. Her notebook, as usual, was lying on the desk in her bedroom, and she quickly grabbed it along with a pen before sitting down on her bed to write.

Suspect #1
Name: ____
Nicknames: Sho
Gender: Male
Looks: Brown hair, green eyes, around 5'3?
Other Notes: Possible DID (just a hunch), seen carrying around scissors

Kirigiri thought for a moment, staring down at the paper. Hm... Was there anything else she should add to this? She didn't know much... Yet. She bumped into him this morning... Perhaps she should take the same route tomorrow, so she could learn more? Yes, that would be a good idea... She could lie and say she was on her way to a coffee shop or something. Though, would he not find it strange that she suddenly wanted to talk more after acting so coldly this morning? Perhaps... Though if she managed to befriend him, that could lead to him revealing some damning evidence against him, and she could prove he was the killer! She was the Ultimate Detective, after all. If anyone could figure this out, it was her.

The girl was about to start writing down the boys 'Sho' personality and the one he'd shown this morning, however, before she could, her stomach growled. Right, she hadn't had anything to eat since lunch... She supposed she should go get something to eat. She couldn't think straight on an empty stomach... Before she did that, though, she was going to talk to her step-brother about her suspicions. Her dad was always telling her she should try to get along better with him, maybe this murder case would somewhat bring them closer... Unlikely, but it was possible. Kirigiri reluctantly set down her pen and notebook, getting off her bed and making her way down the hall to her step-siblings room, and knocking on the door.

"Are you in there, Togami?" She knew he didn't like it when she entered his room without permission... He'd been quite standoffish and reclusive ever since they'd first met, so by now she knew her boundaries. It was possible he was still upset about his mother and father divorcing... Though she knew he was too prideful to admit that. There was the sound of rustling and footsteps, before a quite annoyed looking Byakuya Togami opened the door.

"I was in the middle of reading. What do you want?"

"I was just wondering if you'd like to hear about my suspect for the murder case. I know you've been... Interested in it." Kirigiri explained. "I had two run-ins with him today, actually. He's quite suspicious."

Byakuya's irritated look shifted slightly into one of interest, and he stepped aside so she could come into his room. Talking in the doorway like that would be a bit awkward. Kirigiri leaned against the wall, and the blonde sat down in the chair by his own desk, crossing his arms and looking up at her. "So, what exactly was so interesting you thought you'd interrupt my research to tell me, hm?"

"Well... Surprisingly, he's not an adult like I first thought. He's about our age, actually. I ran into him this morning, and I recognized him as the same person I'd run into the night of the murder, however, he didn't remember me, and he was acting much differently than before. At first I didn't think much of it, but I ran into him after he'd gotten out of school today, and he was acting the same as he had on the night of the murder, and he didn't remember bumping into me this morning. He was also carrying around scissors for no particular reason, and said they weren't sharp enough to kill, like he'd know... I have no solid proof, but I do suspect he was Dissociative Identity Disorder, and that he may well be the murderer. He was acting very suspicious..."

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