a Fateful Encounter

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Makoto yawned as he woke up, wiping the drool off his face and sitting up. It was a tranquil morning, the morning light streaming in through his window and into his bedroom. The only thing that wasn't peaceful was the screeching sound of his alarm clock. Reluctantly, the brunette got out of his bed, shivering slightly as he left the warmth of his blankets. He was tempted to go right back to sleep as soon as he turned it off, however before he could think about it for long, he heard his sisters voice.

"You'd better not sleep in again, Makoto! You were late to school last time!" Komaru shouted from her room, though it wasn't like she was always in time, either.

"Yeah, I know, I know..."

Ugh, he hated Mondays... Well, at least it was a nice day out! It looked like it wasn't going to be too cold out, so he didn't have to dress warmly. He threw on his usual sweatshirt and blazer, and a pair of jeans, before hurrying to brush his teeth and hair so he could eat breakfast. Though in reality, there wasn't much use in brushing his hair. It was always messy no matter what he did! Even hair gel didn't work the very few times he had tried it.

He sat down at the breakfast table after pouring himself some cereal, Komaru sitting across from him soon afterwards.

"Makoto, did you hear about that murder that happened a few days ago? It's not far from your school! You should be careful!"

He shuddered slightly as the memory resurfaced in his mind. Yes... Of course, he hadn't told his family about how he woke up at the crime scene, nor did he tell them he had been having nightmares about it every night since. He couldn't blame her for bringing it up... It was all over the news. There hadn't been a murder like that since, well... Since before he was born!

"Yeah, I'll try to avoid the area. I'm sure they're catch the culprit soon, though!" Optimistic, as usual. He thought about riding the bus that morning instead of walking, but it was such a nice day out... He might as well go on a walk outside. It might help take his mind off things... Komaru stayed silent after that, other than a loud 'Eek!' at the sound of bread popping out of the toaster, before she rushed to go get it, picking up her backpack and running out the front door. The usual morning routine... Glancing over at the clock, he realized he should get going soon. He wasn't looking forward to school at all today, knowing everyone would be gossiping about the homicide. After all, that would only constantly remind him of what he saw...


"A-ah, I apologize, I wasn't watching where I was going!" Makoto apologized as he bumped into someone on the sidewalk, getting a sense of familiarity when he saw who it was, though, he never remembered meeting her... He must've seen her in public sometime else or something. her appearance did stand out quite a bit... She had extremely pale skin, white hair, and purple eyes. Her outfit was quite unusual as well... The girl stared at him for a moment, expressionless and looking as if she were studying him, before speaking.

"We've met before, have we not?" She asked, her expression unchanging and her voice monotonous. Strange... Did she feel the same dejavu he was feeling? Though, it would be easily explainable for her; Makoto looked, well, average, and it would be easy to mistake him for someone else.

"No, I don't think we have..." He murmured, and at that she narrowed her eyes. Was she offended that he didn't remember her or something? He wasn't sure, her expression was hard to read. It was like she had a permanent poker face.

"How odd."

That was all she said, looking him over once again before swiftly walking away. What a strange girl... He wondered why she was being so mysterious. She never even told him her name... He wondered why she'd glared at him like that. Maybe she was just annoyed with him? Oh, whatever. He probably wouldn't meet her again anytime soon, and he needed to hurry up and get to school.

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