Chapter Five

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*sex scene beware

Over the next few weeks, things had been going smoothly. Jay and I had gotten back on track and as a result we both had been happier. Our time has been filled with lots of family time, kissing, and sex. I had a feeling I would end up pregnant soon playing around with him.
I was headed to his job one day to bring him lunch since he would be here for another 5 hours. I walked through the door and saw the garage was empty. I went up the stairs to see if he was in his office.
"You can't get rid of me," Tamra was saying to his. She had a hand on his chest and the other caressing the back of his neck.
"You seriously need to leave. I almost lost my marriage because of you. You need to go, now." He said. Yet he made no attempt to back up from her.
"Just one more time and I'll leave for good, baby," she moved in closer her lips almost pressed against his.
"You are gonna have me in hella trouble, I wish I had never gotten involved with you," he said, finally pushing away. He backed up an inch from her and she came forward again pressing her body against his.
"What do you want me to do Jay? Do you really want me to leave," she started to press kisses on his neck, "Or do you want me to stay?" She kept this going and I was waiting on him to push her away yet he never did. I opened the door at the point and they both froze. Tamra looked at me with a slight fear in her eyes and Jay looked at me with shame. He didn't even try to explain himself. I nodded to myself.
"It's over Jay," I said simply. I threw the container of food at him and Tamra and stormed off.

Once a no good nigga, always a no good nigga.

By the time he had gotten off from work, I had all his clothes packed. I wasn't going anywhere but he was getting the hell out. As he walked through the door, I passed him the three suitcases and his duffle bag of toiletries.
"," he started to say. I paused and waited for him to finish. He didn't say anything more.
"Go ahead, Jay. Explain what I did wrong this time that made you have to go find comfort in her again. Was I talking to you too much now? Was I too happy? Too much of a good wife? What's the reason this time. Please tell me because I can't seem to get this shit right," I yelled, tears streaming down my face.
"It's not you. I deserve all this and more. I don't know what I had in mind. I definitely do no want her, but I just couldn't stop it either," he said talking in circles.
"I'll have the divorce papers sent to your job as soon as I can get them," I said simply.
"Divorce? Kay no. I don't want a divorce. I'm not signing that," he said, matter of factly.
"Well I want a divorce. I'm not about to continue being with you when you're cheating on me. I don't want to be with you anymore. I don't want a life with you. You don't love me--"
He cut me off, "Don't tell me I don't love you when I spent days crying and on my knees begging you to take me back. Begging you not to take my family from me. I love you. I'm in love with you and lately I've been fucking up I know. But I want you. And I'm trying so hard to do better. She came at me at a weak spot. I was tired from work, we just came from a fire and two kids died. I didn't have the energy to fight her off today. I don't even have the energy to argue with you right now. But I do know I'm not signing a divorce paper. I do know that I'm going to stay over 100 yards of her. I do know that this tiff in our marriage will be over soon. I'm not letting you leave me baby, I don't care." He picked up the suitcase, "I can admit when I'm wrong and as tired as I was and still am, I was wrong. But I'm not going anywhere. I'll sleep in the guest bed. But I'm not leaving our home." With that he brought one suitcase at a time into the guest room.
I sat on the sofa for the next few hours, drinking wine and letting tears run down my face. What did she have that I don't that keeps taking his attention. I needed her gone. I was sick of her messing up my marriage. I was going to go talk to her woman to woman.
I went to the room and changed into sweatpants and a tank top. As I was grabbing my keys and headed out the door, Jay walked out of the guest room to ask where I was going.
"I'm going for a ride," I said.
"Are you coming back?"
"I plan to, unless I end up in jail first."
Before he could even ask what I meant by that, I was out the door, in the car, and headed to the fire station.
When i got there I sat in the car for a while. I needed to control all my anger towards her so I didn't do something I would regret. As I was parked, i saw her come outside. She had a phone to her ear and I could faintly make out what she was saying.
"Jay, you're not getting rid of me that easily. I'm not going anywhere." Pause. "I don't care if she's your wife, you were mine before all this." Pause. "She's definitely going to kick you out now, why can't we finally start our life back up. You know this is what you want, you cannot tell me no."
She paused again to listen and her face grew red as a tomato.
She could threaten me all she wanted, but when he mentioned my son's I was ready to beat her ass.
I stepped out of the car and walked up to her. When she saw me her face turned pale.
"You're gonna fuck who up?" I asked, challenging her.
"Get the hell away from here," she said, backing up.
I walked forward until she was pressed against the wall, "Oh no, you was just so bold over the phone, don't get scared now." I got up in her face. She knew better than to touch me so I wasn't worried about her retaliating.
"You will stay away from my man. You can switch stations or you can quit. I don't give two shits but you will no longer be working here. & I mean that."
She tried to slide away from me.
"Back up, before I do something I'll regret," she said trying to threaten me.
"Do it, it'll give me the perfect excuse to beat your ass one good time. Do it."
"Move," she said, slightly shoving me. I pushed her ass right back against the wall.
"No. Touch me again and I will beat the hell out of you. Do you understand what I'm saying about staying away from my man?"
I grabbed her neck, "I said do you fucking understand?"
She nodded up and down frantically. I let her go and she started gasping for air.
"Good. Go ahead and put in a transferral." I backed up and she quickly walked in the station.
I headed back to the car and home like nothing happened.
When I got inside, I saw Jay playing with the boys on the floor.
"Mommy, dad says we can stay up aaaaalllllllllll night," junior said from the floor.
"Oh yeah? And why is that?"
"No work no work no worrrkkkkk," junior sang out loud causing me to laugh.
"That's true, I don't have work tomorrow." I kicked my shoes off and sat on the couch watching them play. Jay's phone rang on the side of me and it was the station calling.
"Station is calling," I told him.
"Answer it," he said, racing cars with junior.
"Hello," I said in the phone.
I stared at the phone confused then recognition hit. I smiled to myself.
"They hung up," I said.
I looked over to Jayden and saw he was crawling, I screamed in excitement and went over to him to take a video. My baby was crawling! Pretty soon we were all excited watching him crawl everywhere and he seemed to enjoy the attention. I was crying from how excited I was.
"Mom, why are you crying?"
"I'm so happy my baby is crawling," I said, wiping my eyes.
"Mom cried when you crawled too, junior," Jay added. I looked at him and he was on the verge of tears too. He planted a small kiss on my cheek.
I looked down to junior and he was crying too, I was immediately worried.
"What's wrong baby? Are you hurt??"
He smiled up at me, "I proud of my baby brother too mommy." I laughed and hugged him close. We had our ups and downs but I'm thankful to Jay for giving me these two boys. After watching Jayden crawl some more, Jay's phone rang again, this time he answered it. He stayed quiet and listened then looked over at me. He said alright then hung up the phone.
The kids didn't fall asleep until around 1am and I was headed to the bedroom.
"What did you do to Tamra?" He asked. I pulled off my sweatpants and put on a pair of old volleyball shorts.
"Who's that?" I asked as I took off my shirt. He stopped talking and just looked me up and down while I looked for a shirt.
He walked near me and wrapped his arms around my waist, I raised up and just stared at him for a moment.
"What are you doing," I asked, trying to pry his arms away. He started to kiss on my neck, knowing it was a weak spot for me.
"What did you do, babe?" He asked again, sucking on my neck giving me a hickey.
"I just went over and told her to leave you alone," I said holding the back on his head closer to me. He turned me around and picked me up. My legs wrapped around his waist and he sat me on the dresser.
"What did you tell her?" He asked cupping my ass and kissing down my chest. I shuddered at how good it felt and told him the whole story.
"You could've went to jail tonight," he said, "don't do that again. I'm handling it," he said sliding his hand through my shorts.
"You weren't handling fast enough," I retorted, "you were still letting her kiss all on you." Before I would make another statement, his thumb flicked over my clit and I gasped.
"I'm handling it," he said again before pushing two fingers into my wet entrance. I moaned against his neck, enjoying the feeling. His fingers were magical but his dick was even more bomb. I rode his finger and was about to come when he stopped and pulled out. I glared at him as he licked his fingers clean.
"Thank you for the information. I'll go to the guest room now like you want," he said smirking as he started to walk out

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