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WARNING!! If you get triggered by violence then do not read the first half of this chapter. Skip to the time skip.


Today is boring. I have nothing to do. Everybody is busy with their own problems and I'm stuck being bored. I mean I could visit my parents, but I know Loury is probably doing that right now and I would just get ignored. She was always their favorite anyway. I sat staring at the wall for what seemed like hours when I finally got an idea of what I can do.

I need to go..

And just like that I got up and practically ran out the door. I shouldn't do this... This is wrong. Go home. Go home. Go home.

I can't. I have to. I need to. I realize that I kinda blacked out and in the bar down the street. Perfect. I already have a drink in my hand. How long was I out? Nevermind that, a girl is coming over to you. A girl? Hmm... she might do.

"Hey there hottie~" her voice is soft yet commanding. Her words are slurred which makes me think she might be completely wasted.

"Hey yourself cutie~" I flirt back, to gain her trust. I'm a terrible person. Who cares.

"Hey babe you wanna come home with me?" That was yoo fast. Fuck, I messed this up already. I just need to get her out of here.

"Suuuurrre thing baby~" she winked at me and took hold of my arm. That was easy.

I walk her out of the bar and make the long journey "home". Down dark alleys. One left. Right. Right. Straight. First building on the right. We're here.

"Babe you said we were going to your place. Why are we at an old warehouse? Wait are you homeless or something?" her tone got annoyed and angery.

Nows your chance.

Now or never. I turn to her and wrap my large frame around her so she couldn't escape. I drag her into the warehouse where I lay her on the operating table. I lock the straps around her hands, feet and neck for good measure.

"WHAT THE HELL?!?! HELP!! SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP ME!!!" ugh I forgot about the screams. I search one of my many drawers and find what I was looking for. A ballgag. I put it in her mouth as she was screamimg. She was still struggling though. Can't help that.

"Shhhhh shhhhh calm down love. We're gonna have loads of fun okay. I promise." I wispered into her ear. Her face was contorted into sher terror.

Just do it already!

I stop wasting time and pull out a knife out of a drawer.

"Gonna have lots and lots of fun with you dear."

(Time skip)

I'm finally done. That wasn't too bad this time. Huh, training is really paying off. Focus idiot. You're still covered in blood. What? Oh shit! Uhhh crap. How am I gonna get home like this? Okay wait, it's late soo people on the street won't see. Hopefully. Okay I can do this. I could try to fly. No, taking out my wings burns like hell. Fuckfuckfuckfuck. Okay, okay, this is not that bad I mean a few red stains won't raise suspitions right?

Alright just run.

After about a forty-five minute run home I was covered in sweat. Great. Wait no this is great, the shirt I'm wearing is kinda dark plus sweat stains means its much darker so I should be able to run into my flat without anyone seeing.

I jog over to the elevator and hop in as soon as it opens. I press the top floor and wait. Soon I heard a small ding and the doors were open. I see Rochelle in the hallway. SHIT! Okay just run.

And so I did, I think she saw me anyway. Who cares. Yea, right she is so shy and quiet she won't say anythin.

I burst through my door and lean on it as soon as it is closed.


You are so fucked.


"Where were y- IS THAT BLOOD?!?!"


"Really 'cause it looks like it to me. What the fuck Larry, what happened?"

"Nothin mate just calm down."

"Oh I'm sorry that I can't calm down because my boyfriend just burst through the door COVERED in blood!!"

"Okay okay I'll tell you, but later please. Let me get cleaned up."


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