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"Oh great! Louis FUCKING LOUIS is gonna protect us from the ONE PERSON THAT CAN AND WILL KILL US!!!! YES HARRY THIS IS GONNA GO SWIMMINGLY!!" I wish she would calm down. Lou can fix it. He can do anything.

"Love calm down, I'm sure that Lou is gonna be fine. He'll keep us safe." at least Liam has faith. Faith. That word reminds me of when we were home. Now we're here, because of her.

"Sorry for doing this mate but I gotta go, Lou wants me back in time for dinner." I can't believe I'm even trying to lie to them. It never works.

"No problem mate." wait it worked. Oh right he wasn't even looking at me, he was looking at her. Ugh, what does he see in her? She is still nothing but trouble after all these years.

"Bye guys."

"Bye mate. Stay safe." ugh so overprotective, but at least I know he cares.

"Will do mate."

(Time skip because i am lazy)

"Harry love whats wrong you look like death." one foot in the door. I took one step into my house and he already knows something is up. Should probably ask him to leave me be, but I already know that won't happen.

"'M fine lou." maybe he'll take that and leave me alone.

"Eye contact Harry." fuck. I have to look him in the eyes or else he'll definitly know something's up. "Repeat that for me please."

"I am fffffff.... I'm ffffuck!" damn! I really thought I had it that time!

"Thats what I thought. What's up Harry, and why did you try to lie to me?" he's acting like my mother and not my husband.

"Look Louis I just need some rest. I've got a lot on my mind." I had to be firm with him. He's not a baby, he's a grown ass man.

"Okay, maybe after you are done resting you can check the aditude." oh no, this is bad. I made him angry.

"Lou I'm so-"

"Don't want to hear it. I'm going out. Have fun here Harbear." he slamed the door as he walked out. Stupid mood swings. Whatever at least I can finally be alone. I can just sit and think. Think. Think about what?

Think about how I even got here? No.

Think about the demise of thr universe which would no dout be painful and horribe? Too dark.

Think about family? Sure, nothing bad can come from this. Let's see what's Loury up to? Oh right she's most likely spending time with her girlfriend, being all cute and cuddly. Aww. Okay what about Larry? Probably at work or in the lab with Ziall trying to help, but just distracting him instead. Aww. Louis? Fuck Lou. Man he's probably with Zayn or Niall getting high off his ass. Even for a god he has a lot of human traits. I wonder why, I mean he is kinda Satan so he should at least have a tolerance for some things like drugs and alcohol. Then again, he did spend most of his time....down there, away from everything, maybe that's why he acts- no that doesn't make sense. If he was away from humans why would he act like them? Maybe it is just an act, so we would like him more?

Ahhhh!! I'm booorred!! Humm.... what can I do? Like other than sit here and thing about crap.

Man, how did I spend thousands of years on Earth without being super bored? I mean the time flew by. It feels like only yesterday Liam and I first got on this hunk of rock. I wonder if Laim feels the same? No. It probably felt longer, without his true love and all. Ugh true love. Those two are insane. I remember the first time we met Madison, Liam told me that after seeing her ONCE he fell in love and wanted to be with her forever. Don't get me wrong I love it when couples work and just know that they are supposed to be together, but I mean love at first sight? Its rubbish! And I can not believe that Liam, LIAM THE MOST INTELLEGENT POWERFUL ATTRACTI- I mean, I can't believe that my friend fell for that. It makes me so angry. And the fact that he threw everything away for her. All his work. His future. Everything.

Then again, I did the same thing. Not to his level though, but I am here on Earth. In the mortal realm. I gave up everything. For him. Because I loved him. I loved him. I loved him first. Then she came along. She ruined everything! She-

"Harry babe, I sooorrrry! I was being a baby! Please forgive me Harbear." CHRIST! He almost gave me a heart attack!

"Lou, you scared me half to death!"

"'M sorry babe. Please don't be mad at meeeeee." he's drunk. Great.

"Its okay Lou, lets get you to bed."

"OoOoOo are we gonna have sexy time baby~?"

"No we are not. You're drunk off your ass."

"Come ooooonnnn! You know you want allll thiiiiiiisssssss~" he may be a handful sometimes but damn if he isn't cute as fuck.

"Come on Lou lets just cuddle. I know that'll make you feel better."

"Okay, I'll take what I can get." that was easy. I pick him up bridal style and place him in bed. I then gently place blankets over him, and get in bed.

You know what, I love my life here. I love Louis and I love my family. Forget about the past. I should start looking forward.

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