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My head buzzed as I comprehended the information. The Chaos Insurgency had infiltrated The SCP Foundation. I willed my body to move and spring into action but my thoughts were so muddled. What was I to do? I was powerless against their forces which now swarmed the facility. The sound of gunfire and agitated shouting brought me to my senses. Bullets ricocheted off my steel door. I listened against the door but only heard the rapid pounding of my heart. Fast footsteps crashed down the hallway outside, the battle moving elsewhere. Just then, another announcement blared over the intercom.

"Attention! All SCP Foundation staff members and SCPS will be collected and taken to the prison facility in headquarters and will remain there until each staff member and SCP has been successfully captured. Thank you."

A click was heard from the intercom as the announcement finished. It was no wonder they were intending to capture the SCPS. The Chaos Insurgency had strived to make that their mission from the moment they split from the Foundation. But that meant.......

"Larry!" I exclaimed.

In seconds, I was sprinting down the hallway, my lab coat almost tripping me. It was a fool's errand as Chaos Insurgency soldiers were roaming the hallways. I slowed down to a careful creep as I navigated the maze. I ducked behind walls at the sight of an enemy and stuck close to the more darker areas. In this manner, I made it to SCP 106's containment room. Hastily, I unlocked the door with my key card and broke into a sprint down the steel bridge. Through the other door and I was in the control room. Grimacing, I lifted the lever that operated Larry's cage, freeing him of his prison. I sprinted down the stairs to find Larry looking up at the elevating cage in disbelief. Upon my arrival, he transferred his confused expression to me.

"We have to go," I quickly said. "The Chaos Insurgency are here."

"Yes...........I know," Larry was still trying to make sense of the situation. "You.........let me out........"

"We don't have time to discuss this," I argued. "Their forces will be here in minutes to capture you. They have all the necessary equipment for the task. Come with me."

"Come with you?" he snarled, glaring at me. "Why would I ever........"

A bomb blast localised somewhere close by shook the ground almost sending us to the cold floor. With an exasperated sigh, I slipped my anti-corrosion glove over my hand and grabbed Larry's hand. He yelped as I ran, pulling him along with me, forcing him to run. Dragging him down the bridge and back into the main facility, I scoured the hallways for any soldiers. When I ensured the coast was clear, I continued to pull the unwilling SCP with me, breaking into a run yet again.

"William," Larry struggled to keep up. "Where are we going?"

"I don't know," I admitted, checking another hallway. "We need to find someplace safe."

"Safe?!" Larry almost shouted. "What are we going to do? Just hide until they find us?"

"No," I said, turning down another hallway. "Just until we figure out what to do."

"This doesn't sound like much of a plan," Larry pointed out.

"Neither does getting captured," I retaliated.

I wound up taking him back to my room, ensuring the door shut properly behind us.

"We'll be safe here for now," I took a moment to catch my breath.

"Until they knock down the door," Larry shot a worried look at the door.

"Let's not think about that," I said, rubbing my temples. "What do we do?"

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