Chapter 7

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we had to shoot a couple of small scenes in new York so I decided that I would pay Alex a visit since it was his day off and I really missed him. Chris suggested that he went with me so he could drop me of, I turned it down since I didn't want another fight between me and Alex. I walk my way to the apartments, I had a cap on and sunglasses so that it wasn't obvious who I was. When I reach the apartment door I decide to knock so that it was an even bigger surprise, but it seemed the surprise was on me. Once I knocked I was greeted by a women slightly curvier than me with bleached blonde hair, "oh um hi, I'm guessing you're a friend of Alex?" I say confused as to why this girl was in my apartment. " well so that's what he calls me to his friends?" she says with a sigh "god after being boyfriend and girlfriend so 10 months you would I have thought he would have said I was his girlfriend" I stand there in my spot unable to move but Alex's voice brings me out of it. "Samantha sweetie who's at the door?" he says, soon he joins Samantha and his face falls. " (Y/N) ..." he says quietly. " 10 months.... 10 MONTHS?" I begin to yell " Alex that's only 2 months shorter than us! How could you?" the tears start streaming down my face. " WELL IT'S HARD BEING IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH SOMEONE THAT'S CONSTANTLY OUT OF TOWN WORKING!" he yells rage burning through his face. "Alex we are over, now if you don't mind me I'm getting the rest of my stuff" I say barging between the two. I look around the apartment to see none of my stuff, I look in my closet to find my clothes and a duffel bag full of my belongings. I begin to cry once more as I stuff what's left in the bag and leave the apartment, I turn around to see Alex eating Samantha's face off before leaving the building. I begin the walk back to set holding back the tears, once there Chris notices the large bag and comes over. "Hey (Y/N) what's in the bag? Planning on going on a trip" he jokes, I sit down and put my head in my hands and begin to cry once more. Immediately Chris is sat beside me, "(Y/N) what's wrong what happened?" he asks worriedly, I glance over at the bag and he begins to open it to see what's inside. His face drops when he sees my belongings slowly understanding " he has been cheating on me for 10 months" I stutter out through the tears. " Oh (Y/N) you don't deserve him not at all, he's an asshole for not seeing what an amazing person you are" he says holding me tight. " You can stay with me for as long as you like until you get back on your feet okay?" I smile through tears, Chris has always been there for me through the bad and the good. " Thank you, I think I will try to move back to Boston anyway" I say into his chest. " I have a good idea on how to cheer me up" I say with a smirk " oh yeah and what would that be?" he asks with the same smirk. I lean in to his ear and whisper the plan.

We were on set in the avenger's tower ready to film the scenes in the living room, Chris had talked to the prop guys and they agreed to the plan and soon we were in position for the scene. I walk into the scene with Robert "alright guys I need to introduce you to someone" he began "this is Jennifer Baldwin and she is here to train with us to become an avenger as per fury's request." I look at each of the cast in the team as they slowly get up to greet me, Scarlett goes first and greets me with hostility in her voice. I see in the background Chris and Seb pretending to talk and Seb pushing Chris forward. " Oh.. Hello ma'am" Chris begins holding out his hand, which I kindly accept " I look forward to working with you" "as do I" I say with a smile, as a blush appears on his cheeks. We stare into each other's eyes for moments unwilling to break away until Robert interrupts "now that you all know each other why don't we all sit down and just relax before the chaos starts as it always does" we all take our designated seats, Chris sitting opposite me. Throughout the scene we make eye contact and break it immediately when we catch each other staring. " So um Thor how does that hammer work exactly?" you ask innocently, "Ha ha well to but it into simple terms those who are worthy shall lift the hammer" he says as he goes for it. But when he goes to lift it he can't, he continues to try remaining in character. The cast look at him confused as to whether he couldn't lift it or not. " Well though it looks like you are no longer worthy" I say barely containing the laughter. Chris couldn't hold it in any longer and burst out into laughter followed by the rest of the cast and crew. Hemsworth still looks confused as to why he couldn't lift it, so I decide to enlighten him " we swapped the hammer for the one in avengers 2 where people tried to lift it." I say while wiping tears from my eyes. As soon as I say it he too bursts into laughter, once we all compose ourselves we redo the scene with the correct hammer although it still took a few more takes due to random giggling from mostly Robert. Soon a break was called and we all relaxed around the set, I look over to see Chris sat at the grand piano rolling up his sleeves. I watch intensely as he positons himself to begin playing, as soon as he does I recognise the song and go over to sit with him. He looks over to me and begins the song again and I sing along to the music:

Starring with Chris Evans- Chris Evans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now