Chapter 16

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It was the 23rd of December and I was doing all the last minute wrapping for everyone, I had even got at least one present for everyone in Chris's family. I was currently wrapping Miles's present which was a toy he had been after for a while now, I had also got Stella my action figure since she kept going on about it. "(Y/N) can I come in now?" Chris whined through the door, I laugh as I put the last of the presents in the bags. "yes I've finished wrapping now" I says as he opens the door saying 'yay' in the process. He come over and gives me a big hug, "you've been in here all day!" he laughs "how many things did you have to wrap?" I see him eying the bag full of presents. "not many but I'm quite a perfectionist when it comes to wrapping" I smile, he walks over the bag and goes to pick one up with his name on it. I swat his hand away "hey no touching!" I scold lightly; he retracts his hand and pouts. "please?" he begs still pouting, "nope or you will be put on Santa's naughty list" I say softly. "now that's just mean" he sulks, I laugh at him softly. "if you want you can help me make some chocolate brownies, that will defiantly put you on the nice list" I say putting my hand on his chest looking up at him, he raises an eyebrow "okay but what about this?" he says softly. He grabs me around the waist and pulls me into a deep kiss, I place my arms around his neck as he wraps his arms around my waist. He pulls away slowly and rests his forehead against mine, our breath mixing. "am I on the nice list now?" he whispers softly, I bit my lip slightly " defiantly, you're at the top" I smile back "now let's go make those brownies"

We had finally made the mixture after a couple of mishaps with the bag of flour somehow making its way onto Chris's head, I was just washing up a couple of bowls while Chris finished mixing the mixture. "mmm tastes good already" I hear him say "did you just eat some of the uncooked mixture?" I say whipping round to find him with one finger still in his mouth. He raised his eyebrows at the thought of me catching him "no?" he mumbles, "you realise you could get salmonella right?" I says raising an eyebrow at him. "oh c'mon (Y/N) that's an old wives tale, just try some!" he says, he gets some mixture on his finger and walks towards me. I try to evade him until he placed his finger on my lips knowing I would instinctively lick it on, I open my mouth to sigh but he gently slips his finger in forcing me to taste the mixture. Ok it was really tasty. "you cheeky monkey" I say as I lick my lips, he laughs "so you like it then?" I turn away again to finish what I was doing. But then I feel the cool sensation of mixture being wiped across my cheek, I slowly place what I was washing and turn to face Chris who was whistling away like nothing had happened. I walk over slowly and see Chris watching me in the corner of his eye, "uh Chris you wouldn't happen to know how some of the brownie mixture ended up on my face?" I ask with one eyebrow raised, "nope not a clue" he simply replies. "you know that mixture is actually really tasty" I say, I reach down and place a finger in the bowl. Chris doesn't stop me, before he realises what I'm doing I wipe a brownie mixture all over his face. He then slowly puts the bowl down as his nothing happened, I try to contain my laughter. This time before I can react Chris's lips are on my before he starts rubbing his entire face across mine, "okay, okay truce!" I giggle. He pulls away his eyes sparkling through the mixture, "okay lets go clean up shall?" he says suggestingly. I smile back "yeah I'm thinking only a shower will get this all of" I purr, I watch as his eyes widen. "but let's put this mixture in the oven first okay?" I say smiling up at him, he simply nods eyes still wide. I put the mixture into a tin and into the oven before leading Chris by the hand into the shower.

"okay you guys" I say to the kids "will you put milk and cookies out for Santa?" we were at Chris's house for the morning of Christmas eve before heading to mine in the evening and then back to Chris's parents for Christmas day. "yeah!" they all cheer "and a carrot for Rudolf!" miles shouts, "that's sweet kid" Chris smiles as he ruffles miles's hair. "I'm just going to put the presents under the tree for tomorrow" I whisper to Chris, obviously not quiet enough as all the kids perk up. "PRESENTS?!?!?" they cheer, I laugh sweetly at them "yes but they're for tomorrow so no peaking like uncle Chris okay" I smile as they nod their heads. I walk to the lounge and begin to place the presents under the tree, "aww (Y/N) you didn't have to do that" lisa says putting a hand in my shoulder "ah its fine the majority are from both Chris and me, with a couple just from me" I smile standing up. " you are so kind (Y/N), I'm so glad Chris finally confessed his feelings to you" she smiles, the comment makes me blush slightly. "I believe Chris and the kids are downstairs in the basement if you are heading back to them" she smile, "thank you" I say before heading downstairs to find them lot all dancing on the tap floor. I find Chris doing jazz hands not noticing me behinds him until I start clapping, he turns suddenly and goes red in the face. "aw Chris that was amazing!" I say softly "but these guys are 10x better" I say pointing at the kids. "now since me and uncle Chris need to leave in a couple of hours and it's just started snowing again" I say kneeling down to be at eye level with the kids "so do you wanna build a snowman?" referencing frozen, "come on lets go and play" Chris sings beckoning the kids towards the stairs so that they could get their coats on. Once we were outside we all worked together to make one big snowman, me and Stella did the decoration of the face. Once we were finished we all stood back and looked at our masterpiece "I'll tell you what it think it looks like Chris don't you think?" I say tilting my head to the side, "whoa (Y/N), I know I'm on a cheat month but I'm not that fat!" Chris says pretending to be hurt. "I don't wike it" I hear miles say, "what don't you like miles?" I ask looking down at him as he crossed his arms "the cold" he complains. I smile and suggest he goes inside with his sibling and warm up, I watch with Chris behind me as they all run back inside to the warmth. I go to follow but get a handful of snow pushed into my face, I gasp in shock and turn around to see Chris laughing and of course grabbing his left boob. "you are in so much trouble" I say as I pick up snow and make it into a snowball and chucking it at him, hitting him straight in the face. "oh you wanna go? Huh (Y/N)?" he says crouching, "oh it's on dorito" I say back as I begin to make a new snowball. Soon we are both laughing as we pelt each other with snowballs, somehow I manage to pin Chris to the floor. "give up?" I smirk, "nope" he simply replies. But before he moves to get me off of him I drop and large pile of snow on his face, "oooo, that's cold" he shivers as he wipes it off his face "okay you win this time munchkin" I smile down at him "good" I say before leaning down and kissing him.

Starring with Chris Evans- Chris Evans x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now