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Yandere-chan's POV

I was in my class. I was standing by the teachers desk. 

I looked around. 

But Taro was not in this class. 

Several students had their eyes on me. 

But none of them were my belov- 



Im so confused ;-; 

His short black hair... 

His beautiful grey eyes... 

His gentle smile... 

And the way he shines... 

There is no mistake. 

I love him and as a lover I shall protect him from the others. 

I could feel my heart aching while I thought about Taro. I felt so many emotions that I have never felt before. 

I put my hand on my heart. 

I have to see him. 

I have to tell him. 

I never felt this way before. 

But that girl... 


She is in the way... 

In MY way... 

Regardless of her relationship with Senpai... 

She will die... 

I feel jelousy but I want to see Taro more than I want to kill her. 

I need to tell him no matter what.

"I need to g-," I said but got interrupted.

"Is everybody here?" the teacher asked. 

(I switched classes with some students no worries!) 

"Alright, Inkyu Basu?" 

"Here!" A girl with lots of makeup, blue eyes and pink pigtails raised her hand and smiled. Then she turned around to talk to the boys. 

"Midori Gurin," said the teacher. Everyone looked around with confused expressions. A girl with brown hair and brown eyes and a martial arts headband. 

"She is not here teach," she said while leaning back on the chair like a cool person. 

(The cool person is Mina Rai, you vote if you like her old hairstyle or her new one) 



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Yandere chan x Budo x Taro x MIDORI!!!!!!11 x  SHIN?????!?!!!!!?!?!!!!111Where stories live. Discover now