Bad Date

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Kick: When's your graduation?

Etta: Hello to you too.

Kick: Hi. When's your graduation?

Etta: Probably never. Pretty sure I screwed up finals. And my date went terrible, thanks for asking.

Kick: It did? Why?

Etta: Don't really want to talk about it.

Kick: But you just brought it up?

Etta: I shouldn't have.

Kick: ???

Kick: Are you ok? Did something happen?

Etta: No. Yes.

Kick: Are you hurt?

Kick: Etta, please tell me you're ok.

Kick: Physically, I mean.

Etta: I'm fine.

Kick: I'm not stupid. I know that fine means not fine. What happened?

Etta: Well I'm not hurt, physically, but that doesn't mean I'm not hurt. You boys never seem to get that.

Kick: Don't tar me with your giant brush, Henrietta.

Kick: You know as well as I do, the first thing that comes into anyone's mind when a girl says something 'happened' on a date, is the worst case scenario.

Etta: Ok. Sorry.

Etta: Nothing physically bad happened on my date.

Etta: It was just shit.

Etta: And I guess, if I'm honest, I'm lucky nothing physically bad happened. The guy was a douche. A creepy douche.

Kick: Where the hell did you meet him?

Etta: We went for dinner and a movie.

Kick: No, where did you pick him up?

Kick: As in, where did you find this classy date?

Etta: Oh, at the Unibar.

Kick: Bad pick up place. Should have known better.

Kick: Should have sourced a date from the library. You need to be more careful.

Etta: Not everyone you find in a bar is bad. Just this guy.

Kick: Riiight. Are you going to try testing that theory?

Etta: No. No more dates for me for a long time. I'm going to graduate a spinster.

Kick: Spinsters are generally considered to be a bit older than in their mid twenties, Etta.

Kick: Besides, I thought you said you weren't going to graduate.

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