
11K 605 56

Etta: <send photo>

Kick: Jesus Christ Etta!

Kick: I'm eating!

Etta: A meatball sub, perchance? ;)

Kick: Show some respect.

Kick: How do you think the cats would feel if they knew you were making jokes?

Etta: They were from the RSPCA. They're all very grateful that I've given them a shot at being adopted.

Kick: How many 'pairs' are there?

Etta: 7

Etta: Plus a spare.

Kick: Wtf?

Etta: Dissected one to take some reference photos.

Etta: <send photo>

Kick: Etta! No!

Kick: My eyes are actually watering.

Kick: <send photo>

Kick: See?

Etta: You look awful.

Kick: Thanks.

Etta: You should get more sleep.

Kick: You should stop sending unsolicited horror pictures.

Kick: You made my eyes burn.

Etta: Don't blame me. It's because you're tired.

Etta: Go to bed.

Kick: Can't. Must. Do. More. Research.

Etta: <send photo>

Kick: What did you send me that for?

Etta: To encourage you to go to sleep.

Kick: Sending me a picture of you in bed, is not encouraging me to sleep.

Kick: Nice vegemite jammies btw.

Etta: Thanks, my Grandmother sent them to me for my birthday.

Kick: Shit, did I miss it?

Kick: <rainbow-happy-birthday-cat-waving.gif>

Etta: No, it's next Friday. She only posts things on the first Tuesday of every month so they came early.

Kick: Weird.

Etta: Yep.

Kick: So. Turning 25.

Etta: 24

Kick: ?

Kick: I thought you were 24 already?

Etta: No, I just tell people that when it's close to my birthday. When I say close I mean like within 6 months.

Etta: Always hated being the baby of the year.

Kick: That's right, I remember now, you were 17 when we did the HSC.

Kick: Did you do schoolies?

Etta: Nah. No interest in hanging out with a bunch of drunk and drugged up morons.

Etta: Went to Borneo instead.

Etta: What about you?

Kick: Went to look at LIGO.

Etta: Wow. Can you get any nerdier?

Kick: Probably not.

Kick: Don't care though.

Kick: It was so amazing.

Kick: I presume you went to Borneo for the Orangutans?

Kick: ?

Kick: Etta?

Kick: You've fallen asleep, haven't you?

Kick: Great. You sleep. I'll stay up until the nightmare behind my retinas has faded.

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