Chapter 2

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I woke up the next day ready for the challange ahead.
I looked on Twitter before smelling.the air. It smelled like cinnamon and sugar. I walked into the kitchen. Lynn made cinniamon toast. She had a fresg glass of milk on the table. I sat down took a bite of the toast.

"Did you make this?"

"No Santa Clause did."
She replied sarcastically.

"Ok "Santa" this is actually pretty good for an amateur."

She laughed.

"Not funny."

"Yes that was anyway did you hear back from those people yet?"


"Well.....If you make it and you meet Jacob and a spark happens to blow between you two I will never forgive you."

"No sparks. You'll like him once you get to know him."


" unlikely of you."

"Shhhh eat your toast."

"Ashton lover."
I coughed.

"Hunter and Jacob lover."
She coughed out horribly. I laughed.
My Twitter was blowing up. A hater had said something bad bout Hayes.
I went off.

"You know what your just a hater because you don't have what Hayes has and you a thirsty MOFO and a fan who's afraid to admit it. You only hate on people cause this:

Thanks thats all I have today.. :)
I smiled and watched people be like
"OOOHHH BURN!!" Or "You just got served! Like that with a side of fries with that or a milkshake?"
Some weird stuff. Hayes followed me.
I pumped my fist in the air.





"How come you can say that when something happens with Hayes or someone like that but not with Jacob?"

"Easy.....4 words....I don't like him!"


"Yes I am and proud of it!!"

"Hunter doesn't like haters. Neither does Ashton. I'm telling on yooouuu!"
I said typing away on my phone really texting my friend Dreama. Lynn just went into the other room. I finished up my delicious breakfast then decided to take my dog for a walk.

He wobbled in with a piece of cotton hanging from his mouth. I went in my room. My favorite pillow was ruined.

I spanked him then clipped his leash to his collar.

"Just for that were not going by your friends house."
I said and began walking. He seemed to hang his head. I just kept walking. He thought he was sneaky because he kept trying to slip his collar. I tugged at his leash. (Not harshly but to where he would stop.) I decided go head back home if he was trying to get away. I took him back home and jumped on out couch. Since it was leather it was ok.

"Alright Frapp if you chew anything else up you cant be walked for a week do you understand?"
He whimpered. I walked in my room. Lynn was laughing so hard.

"What's so funny?"
She looked up wide eyed.


She hung her head.

"Yeah....I guess."

"Im telling Jacob!!"
I quickly posted a quick tweet.

@Jacob Sartorius

Oml my sister really is a fan!! She LOVES your vines. She shakes her head when you call her a #JacobHater JACOB MY SISTER HAS YOU IN HER FANDOM!!!

Proud of my work I posted it then locked my phone screen.

"Does Hunter make Vines?"

"No. I don't know."

"You should know you literally told me everything about Hunter!"


"And you should know if he does Vines..."


"Ok whatever...."
I went around the house saying meh. I was either yelling it in my brothers face or saying randomly. I laughed so hard when I said it randomly. I went to my room. Lynn wasn't there. I searched around the room. She came up behind me she was wearing a mask. I screamed. I think I jumped 6 feet in the air.

"I think shes scared don't you?"


"YUP in fact it's already posted."
She started laughing. I snatchd her phone I looked for the video I found it. Except of me jumping 6 feet in the air. It was me fainting?

"W-what is this?"

"I don't know."

"Your weird."

"You just now noticed?"

"No i noticed 6 years ago."

"I don't get it but OK."
She wobbled out of the room. I decided to talk to Jacob on twitter eveb though he don't message back.

Jacob have you ever looked at the stars? Have you ever thought your soul mate is in those stars?
Or your reletives literally pointing straight your soul mate?

I decided to do that because I was bored. I went to the kitchen looking for food. Cause I was bored.

"I swear I am Cameron Dallas's sister."
I thought to myself.

"Watcha doin?"

"Looking for food."

"I sweat your related to Cameron Dallas."


She shouted. Frappé romped into the kitchen wagging his tail.
We both laughed.

"Frapp your not Cameron Dallas."

"Exactly and even if you were....OHMYLORD OUR DOG WOULD BE CAMERON DALLAS!!"
Frappé seemed to bark as to say
"Yes I am!"

"Your definitly not Jacob."
He barked and growled.

"Don't growl at me!"
He seemed to scoff and wobbled back to his spot on the couch.

"Ok so tomorrow should be the confirmation to see who gets to do the auditions. Hopefully I make it."
I said aloud the went in my room. I was tired already. It was only 5:30 pm. I just decided to go to sleep.
See the world tomorrow.
Hope you guys are enjoying sorry im not talking about Jacob much but if you guys can be patient with me im putting Jacob in chapter 4 is that ok?

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