Bad Stomach Bug (Louis Centric)

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For @directioner09131993 but I think she's changed her name so if u have sorry for not tagging! Hope u like it!
Louis woke up in the morning with a pain in his stomach. He wondered for a brief moment why he would have a pain there but his stomach soon told him. Louis rushed out of the bed and ran straight to the bathroom bringing up anything that he had eaten within the last 24 hours. He knew they had a busy day today so he decided that it would be best not to tell the others.

He washed his mouth out with water and stumbled back to the bedroom he looked at his phone 2:34 am. He scrolled through twitter and then decided to drift off until they were woken at 5:00.

"Boys time to get up!!" Liam's voice boomed through the hotel room. Louis could here the rustling of clothes coming from Harry's side of the bed where he would be choosing what to wear today. Louis still had his stomach ache and decided he would stay in bed for a bit. He could skip breakfast without any of the boys noticing.

They all cramped into the car and Louis stomach started to growl. Liam glanced over at him and then looked straight out of the window again. Then he stated to burp.

"Louis stop it, we know you like joking around but nows not the time" Liam stated firmly. Harry and Niall looked over at me and then looked at Liam. They knew that he wasn't in the mood so they went back to their phones presumably checking twitter.

I made it through the radio interview without burping too obviously and throwing up anywhere. As soon as we finish I go to the loo where I bring up a bit of stomach acid. It really hurts my throat. I hear footsteps outside and I hear Niall voice outside. He comes to tell me that we need to leave, I tell him that I'll be out in a minute. I look at myself in the mirror, I look like a sheep! My face is so pale!
I walk out of the bathroom where Niall is leaning against the wall with one foot on the wall and one on the floor. He is checking his phone. He glances up and me.
"Lou are you ok? You look like shit mate!"
I look up at him and think about whether or not I should tell Ni. Ni is really close to me. Out of all the boys he is the one who is most like a brother to me. I decide not to tell him, I haven't thrown up anything since this morning so what's the point?
We walk back to the coach and head off to the sound check which I'm dressing. My stomach starts to gurgle and I feel the need to burp but I can't so I'll have to hold it down.

Niall POV
Louis has looked off all day and as I'm checking twitter I can see that he's not feeling any better. I look over to Liam and see that he thinks Lou is joking when I know he isn't. I close twitter and open up messages. I text haz:

N- does Lou seem off today? X
H- I thought that, but Liam doesn't seem to think so. X
N- I'll talk to him when we get to the venue. X
H- I'll do it if you want, got a feeling Lou's stomach isn't going to hold much more. X
N- cheers mate x just wanna see lou back to himself, he's like a big brother to me :( x
H- don't worry he will be x

When we arrive at the venue I can see Louis longing to get out. Probably to go to the bathroom. I look over at Haz and he nods. The doors open and Louis rushes out I follow him. I turn back to see Harry cornering Liam. I reach the bathroom in record time and immediately hear gagging from the end cubical. I run to the end and find Louis hunched over the toilet bringing up the sandwich he had for lunch. I rub his back for him.
"Why didn't you tell us Lou?"
"I thought I could make it through and then sleep it off tonight. I'm sorry." I can hear he's about to cry.
"Hey it's ok. Just make sure to tell us next time yeh?"
He nods and then leans back into me. I flush the loo and help him up. I tell him that we can cancel the concert tonight and we can just cuddle tonight.
Harry and Liam took one look at us and said that we were going back. Harry went to talk to management whilst Liam helped me take Louis to the car.
When we got in all 4 of us got changed into sweats and watched a movie until halfway through Louis ended up throwing up again so I helped him out.
Turns out it was just a 24 hour thing and he was right as rain at the next concert back to having water fights with Liam.

So sorry I haven't updated! Glad o got this one up what do u guys think! Got another prompt to work on so should post another one soon!

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