Chapter Thirty Two

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Madison Rogers.

I stared at him. Was he crazy?

"You can't love me." I shook my head.

His eyebrows furrowed. "That's your response? You can't tell me I'm not allowed to love you." He scoffed.

"Well, too bad. Because that's exactly what I'm doing." I told him.

The first time I heard 'I love you' from a guy, he tried to pressure me into having sex with him. Since then, every time I heard those three words, I left.

It was different with Jack though, because I already had sex with him. But I still didn't believe him. He was just trying to get me to move with him.

"Madison, come on. We've gone through too much to just give up now." He pleaded.

"No, you're the one that put me through all that shit. My life was going fine before you came into it."

"But it was boring. And you know that. I made you lose your virginity, made you try new things. So don't say you regret having anything to do with me."

We were both looking at each with different expressions.

Maybe he was right, but I wasn't about to tell him that.

"No. I'm sorry, Jack. I can't move all the way California. You're going to be in college and you should experience all that without me holding you back."

I really didn't want Jack sleeping with other girls, but I also didn't want to move everything for him.

My feelings were complicated.

"So I really don't mean anything to you?" He asked in finality.

"I don't know Jack. But I don't want to know. You need a lot of help, and maybe college will help you with that." I shrugged.

"I can't believe you're letting me go, just like that." He sighed.

"I'm sorry. Have fun." I said awkwardly before opening the door and stepping out.

Once I got downstairs, I found Sam on the couch, watching tv with Jack's sister.

"Ready to go?" He asked when he looked at me.

"Yeah." I nodded and headed to the door.

"Bye Sammy." Jack's sister waved at him and then smiled at me before we both walked out the door.

"So..?" Sam glanced at me when we were on the road.

"I said goodbye to him. Like I wanted." I told him.

"That's all?"

I nodded but mumbled a 'yes' when I remembered he couldn't see me.

"Alright." He left it alone and continued to drive.


Jack texted a lot. He was leaving at 9 pm that night, but I couldn't bring myself to go to the airport to see him leave. What good would it do for me?

I also didn't want to face his family. I don't think I could handle all the dirty and confused looks.

It was just best that I stayed back. Even if it did make Jack upset.

I stayed up and watched out the window, wondering if each plane I saw had him in it. Thankfully it was Friday, so staying up late didn't affect me much.

I mostly just ate a bunch of food while watching tv until I got too full and tired.

Mostly tired of the feeling of my heart dropping every time Jack's face passed through my mind.

But I guess I'd eventually get over it.

Jack Gilinsky.

"Alright, that's the last of goodbye's!" My sister announced once I gave my mom a hug.

I looked around at all the different faces and noticed that Madison was in fact not there.

I knew that she wouldn't show up, but there was still hope in me.

"Are you expecting someone else?" My mom asked after I zoned out.

"Oh, no, sorry. I thought I saw something." I shook my head and cleared my thoughts.

"You be good Jack. I'll see you soon." My mom hugged me again, trying to hold herself together.

I gave a lipped smile to her and then headed on to the plane.

Once I found my seat, I settled in and put my earphones in.

I didn't get any texts from Madison, which ticked me off a little bit. But I guess I just had to deal with it and enjoy Cali when I got there.


That sad moment when you realize the next chapter is the epilogue.

Ik Jack's part isn't long and the chapter isn't long itself but I'm sorry, just know that school is tiring.

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