Chapter Twenty Five

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1 month later.

Madison Rogers.

"Jack Finnegan Gilinsky," the principal spoke into the mic before looking at the crowd.

Everyone went wild and made as much noise as they could, including me.

Jack had invited me to his graduation, despite his parents being there. They hadn't seen me yet, but I guessed they were destined to.

Jack walked onto the stage and grabbed his diploma before walking back off.

The end of high school meant that he was finally able to move into his own apartment, and not have to rely on his parents as much. Which was a relief to me because it made him more of an adult in my eyes.

Nate didn't go to his graduation, even though he was invited. It was a relief but at the same time, it was a disappointment. I didn't think Nate knew I was going to be there, so I figured he still held a grudge against Jack.

Nate ended up getting back with Dana, which hurt a little bit, but I couldn't say anything. I gave up on the guy so he was just moving on.

I broke up with him because the night before, when Jack and I kissed, and had sex, I noticed things I hadn't before.

Like the two different feelings I got from kissing the both of them. Jack just fit better for me. I wouldn't say it was sparks, but warmth. Good warmth.

Also, Jack just smoked. Nate sold drugs. The story of his girlfriend did rattle me a little bit, and I'll admit it was a big reason why I quit it with him that day.

The crowd went off around me again, pulling me out of my thoughts.

It was a Sunday, so thankfully I didn't have work, but I did the next day, which didn't sound very pleasing.

Jack wanted to stay the night at my house to celebrate the graduation, but I refused and told him to stay with his family and have a party with them.

He also tried to invite me but I quickly turned him down.

"Jack Edward Johnson," I watched one of his best friends walk down the stage.

Despite many of Jack's offers, Nate was the only friend of Jack's that I had met before the graduation. So seeing those people that he always talked about was a new for me.

The rest of the graduation lasted about an hour after Jack's name was called. I was tempted to leave but I stayed to congratulate Jack before I went home.

After the grads threw up their caps, everyone filed out onto the front lawn to take pictures and talk.

I walked around for a little bit to find Jack but it seemed impossible in the crowd of families and friends. All of the different people kind of frightened me, and I was scared I was going to be caught or something.

Eventually, I gave up and started heading to my car. I figured I'd get a head start on getting home before everyone else.

"Just going to leave, just like that? No goodbye kiss or nothin'?" I could hear Jack's voice behind me as I was a few steps away from my car.

I turned around and looked at him. He had a big smile on his face and he was still in his gown.

"I didn't want to ruin your time with your friends." I shrugged.

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