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Max and Aliyah had another get together, this time it was for lunch. They both were looking forward to going to the 'restaurant'.

All of the boys had pulled Max in a room and told him to 'man up and ask the damn girl out' and that was what he wanted to do.

He just had no idea how to do it.

It got to 2pm, and Max was finished getting ready. Him and Aliyah were meeting at 2:05 and his hands were sweating to a point where a fountain could be made, ran purely by Max Meyer's sweat. To say he was nervous was an understatement. Yet he had no idea why.

They'd done this a few times but why was it now he was nervous? To say he didn't understand would be an understatement.

Aliyah walked into the lobby where Max was stood and his jaw dropped.

'is this too much?' Aliyah asked. She was wearing a pale, grey, loose dress and she looked gorgeous.

'y-you look wonderful' Max replied. He made a mental note to give himself a pat on the back later for managing to string a sentence together, mildly well.

They both climbed into the taxi Max had ordered for the pair of them, and his gentleman ways got the best of him so he speed-walked ahead to open Aliyah's door for her.

The pair pulled up at Café Leblon at 2:20pm, and quickly headed to grab a pair of seats outside. They opted to go for a more casual cafe rather than a restaurant. A waiter came over and gave them
their menus, and asking what drinks they wanted. He took their drink order - after a little struggle due
to language barriers - then left.

Max and Aliyah's drinks were brought to the table and after a little struggle and broken Brazilian, they both ordered their meals. The main thing they talked about was the upcoming game that Max seemed awfully worried about. Aliyah didn't see why. The both of them knew he was an incredible player (despite Max refusing to admit it). But Max's reason was Aliyah. He want to impress her, make her proud of him. Yet the thought of letting her down worried him.

They both ate their meals. Max wanted to pay for the meal, but Aliyah refused. So in the end, they went halves, while leaving the waiter a tip purely for putting up with Max's horrific Brazilian attempt.



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@aliyahbender; despite the look on his face, y'all know he had fun with me


@eeelanah; it turn straight for Max lol

@leon_goretzka; so that's where you both went lmao. sneaky bitches.

@julianbrandt19; can't believe you didn't invite me

@maxmeyer95; @leon_goretzka @julianbrant19 y'all salty she likes me more

@maxmeyer95; but I did have fun with you❤️

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