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Max stayed at Aliyah's hotel the night they both confessed their feelings. They stayed up until 3AM doing random stuff. It was safe to say it killed Max in the morning.

The boys had early training. The quarterfinals were coming up, and boy were the team excited. Max arrived at the training camp in a taxi - which were very expensive. Boy was he ready to get a mouthful from the coach for not being at the meeting spot at the right time.

'Maximilian Meyer.' Max heard the sternness is the coaches voice and knew he was about to get in trouble - however he didn't regret his night with Aliyah.

'Mr.Hrubesch, how are you?' Max asked his voice going up an octave as he spoke.

'Well, Mr.Meyer, I would have been a lot better if my captain had show up at the correct time this morning.'

'Which I am extremely sorry about Sir, I overslept, I know I shouldn't be but its tiring, and I wanted to be full form. Lack of sleep - in my opinion wouldn't help that.'

'To which I would agree, if this was a league game Mr. Meyer. However it's not. You are representing your country, and this isn't good enough. Now get over there and train' The sternness in his voice prominent.

'Yes Sir.' Max calmly replied as the intimidating man walked away from him.

Max looked around the camp and his eyes met Julian's. He began to walk towards Max, his eyes fixed in front of him.

'So, Max, how was last night?'

'It was wonderful.' Max said with a smile.

'What did you do? Anything special?' Julian replied with a wink

'No not really, we ordered pizza, watched a movie, kissed a bit, an-'

'You kissed?' Julian cut Max off.

Max looked up towards the younger boy and smiled, damn right they'd kissed. Julian turned towards Max with a mischievous look on his face.

'SVEN! LARS!' He screamed running over to the pair of twins. Max was in for it.

'What? It's too early for this shit, Julian'

'Sven?' Lars whispered, 'it's 9:48am. But what do you want Julian?'

Max slowly trailed behind Julian making it to the three just as Julian told them what happened.

'So did you know your little sister kissed little Max?'

'Yes I am aware? Is that all?'

'You know? Who told you?' Max asked

'Lia.' The pair said in harmony

'How? She was asleep when I left?'

'When you left?' Sven questioned


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2016 ⏰

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