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so lia, max, how was your date?

what date

y'all delusional it wasn't a date

sure and I'm a frog

ur as ugly as a frog

loool u need some ice fam

ok I think I've got the hang of this?

the hang of what

who Aliyah is

go on give us your explanation

so she's your and Sven's cooler younger sister who has a rlly cute thing with Max?

damn timo u got it right congrats


'So what's going on with you and Max?' Julian asked Aliyah genuinely curious. However Aliyah had no answer. She knew just as much as Julian. What were her and Max? They were surely more than friends. Right?

They went out on dates, they were constantly talking about eachother. Yet neither of them had talked about what they were. Maybe they didn't need a label. But deep down Aliyah wanted a label. She wanted Max to call her his girlfriend, and Max wanted to call her his girlfriend. But, due to both of their cowardly ways, neither said anything.

As Aliyah explained that to Julian he took it upon himself to give the pair of them a little push.


Max you need to come to Aliyah's hotel and talk to her right now. She has something to tell you and it's urgent.

?? why did u have to message me?? but sure I'll be there asap?

Max hurried to Aliyah's hotel wanting to know what was so urgent that she had to tell him at this exact moment.

As Max hurried in, Julian hurried out, time was on Julian's side as he just managed to get out as Max's taxi pulled up on the side of the road.

Max ran quickly to the elevator urgently pressing the button before deciding it was taking too long and hurrying to the stairs up to Aliyah's room.

He knocked on the hotel door, and Aliyah answered with a confused look in her face.

'Are you ok, Max? You're sweating like you've just ran a marathon?'

'Yeah, I'm fine, so what was it you wanted to talk to me about?'

'What? I - uh. What?' Aliyah struggled

'Julian said you wanted to talk to me about something urgently, but can we talk about this inside the AC is nice but a little too cold'

'Oh yeah, uh, sure, come in.'

'So there was nothing you wanted to talk to me about?' Max asked

'Well, I mean there was, but I was willing to do that in my own time but, I guess I'll do it now.'

'Great. I have something I want to ask you too.'

'Ok you go first' Aliyah told him wanted to prolong herself asking him what they were.

'Well I've been wanting to uh, ask you on a date, uh if you want to do that with me? I mean you don't have to if you don't want to. I mean it's completely up to yo-'

'Max' Aliyah cut him off

'Yeah? Oh I was rambling wasn't I?'

'Yes you were, but firstly I will go on a date with you, you dork; and secondly, that's basically what I wanted to ask you. Well not on a date, I wanted to ask you what are we? I mean we hang out all the time, and we're always talking, I guess we flirt but what are we?' Aliyah asked quickly

'We can be what ever you want as long as I know that you feel what I feel.'

'Max. Do you really think I would have agreed to go on a date with you if I didn't feel something for you?'

'How about, we see how this date goes, and if we have fun, we'll do it some more and we'll see where we go from there?' Max asked

'That sounds perfect.' Aliyah said giving him a quick hug.

Max looked down at Aliyah as she hugged him and all he could think about was how this could be a regular thing. That they could be together. He'd get to hold her, and cuddle her whenever he felt like it. The thought gave him butterflies, and his mind took over, as he lifted Aliyah's chin, looked her in the eyes and said, 'can I kiss you?'

'of course.'

They both leaned in for a slow kiss, her hand cupping his face and his arms wrapped around her waist. Max's face felt soft under Aliyah's touch, and the feel of his lips was indescribable.

Max couldn't have felt happier as they pulled away from the kiss. He was happy. This was where he belonged


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@aliyahbender; what a productive night.
[tagged @maxmeyer95]

@maxmeyer95; productive indeed❤️

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