Chapter 12: Here's the plan

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Everyone was back in their little rooms, cold and soulless rooms filled with nothing but hatred.
"Guys I've got an idea on how we can escape!" Dan yelled excitedly
Everyone looked up with a touch of hope in their eyes.
"Someone's got to get that key" Dan said pointing to the key next to the door
"Dumbass none of us can't get to it, not even Jack and he's a ghost!" Anthony yelled
Jack looked down at the ground somberly.
All of a sudden Dan fell to his knees and began to scream in pain, he looked up and winked. He held his stomach and began to shake.
"What is he doing?" Ian asked
"I think he's pretending to change" said Anthony looking impressed
Dr.Argasi ran in shocked as can be, he opened the door of Dan's cell and began to panic.
"No, no you can't be changing, it's not time!"
"Go Dan go!" Ian yelled at the top of his lungs
Dan pushed Dr.Argasi to the side, ran out and grabbed the key, he lifted it up with pride.
"I got it, yes!"
Then Dan felt a sharp puncture in his neck and he slowly fell to the ground. Dr.Argasi looked up, pissed.
"Whose idea was this, was it his!" He yelled
Phil looked down at his best friend and had a sudden pinch of remorse and gilt. After all he was the one who got Dan into this mess, if only he didn't go outside that night...
"I did it, it was my idea!"
Everyone looked at Phil befuddled
"I asked Dan to pretend to change" he said weakly
Dr.Argasi snapped his fingers and two men grabbed Phil from his cell and dragged him to some other room.
All you could hear was screaming

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