Chapter 14:Temptations

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Phil was finally able to go back to his cell after all the torment he had just endured, Phil decided to take off his shirt to let the cold wall hit against his wounds. He hissed but he was finally  able to calm down and close his eyes.
"Where am I?" Phil asked
Somehow, some way he was back in London; but something seemed wrong, no one was out on the streets. All Phil could hear was the faint sound of dripping water and the tiniest field mouse run across.
"Hello?" Phil asked as he started walking through the city streets
He looked over to see pitch forks and torches in the Windows, and garlic hung from lamp posts. Phil hissed and tried his best to cover up the stench with his arm. He started running hoping to find someone.
He stopped for a second when he saw........
"Dan!" Phil cried
Dan saw Phil and go wide eyed, he then started running.
"Wait please!" Phil yelled
He started following Dan until they both came into an alleyway with no way out, Dan looked at Phil with fear in his eyes.
"Stay...stay away from me!" Dan cried out
Then all of a sudden Dan cut his hand on a metal nail "ow"
"Dan it's me Phil...."
Phil walked up to Dan and with out warning grabbed Dan's hand, he could see the blood flowing down his hand, Phil licked the blood from the wound.
Dan shivered
Phil looked at Dan's exposing neck and licked his lips, he could see the veins pumping up fresh and new blood. He grabbed his best friends chin, pushed his head to the side and bit down hard, Dan wanted to scream out but his throat was closed.
Dan's blood tasted so good, but Phil had to stop, he had to.
But it tastes soo
Phil woke up in a deep sweat

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