Chapter 15: Trying again/ Fight back

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Dan looked at everyone with sad disappointing faces, like all the joy and hope had just ran out.
"Come on guys cheer up" Dan said
Anthony looked up in anger "Cheer up, cheer up, how are we supposed to be happy stuck in this place, your an idiot Howell"
Ian huffed and breathed out a bit of fire to probably keep warm.
"I'm sorry" Phil cried
Dan looked up to see Phil crying ....blood "it's not your fault Phil"
Phil shook his head "it was, if it wasn't for me Dan, you wouldn't have gone out looking for me, you wouldn't be a werewolf and I wouldn't be a vampire"
Dan sighed and scratched the back of his neck
"Come on guys we need to try again, I don't want to be stuck in here for the rest of my life!" Mark yelled
Dan had a lightbulb moment "Jack, Jack I want you to scream!"
Jack gave a confused look "scream" he said
"Yes I want you too scream, louder then you have ever screamed before!"
"I don't know" Jack muttered
"Just do it!" Anthony yelled
Jack took a deep breath in and screamed at the top of his lungs, it made the whole place shake and caused all the bars from the cells to break. Everyone had to cover there ears so they wouldn't go deaf.
"Come lets get out of here!" Mark yelled
They all started to run out when they found themselves face to face with Dr.Argasi.
"Well, well, well I underestimated your abilities Jack, very impressive"
"If you don't move I'll kill you!" Anthony yelled
Everyone stood there ground ready to attack "we all will!" Dan screamed
Dr.Argasi pulled out a gun which shocked everyone
"Your not going anywhere, I've come to far to just let you all go!"
Phil ran up to the doctor and grabbed the mans throat, but sadly his gun went off and hit Phil in the arm, the doctor chocked as Phil held on tightly.
"I'm tired of being the weak one!" He yelled
Dr.Argasi let go of the gun, it clattered to the ground.
"Phil stop!" Yelled Dan
"Phil cut it out!" Screamed Ian
Phil looked at them both and let the doctor go but not before pushing his body against the wall. Dan picked up the gun and put it against the doctors head.
"Now, where's the cure!"

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