Tag #2

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Now when I say something like 'CHARACTER', that means what section it is in the Tag. The tag is called Ultimate Harry Potter tag

Q 1; Favorite Book
The Order of the Pheonix

Q 2; Least favorite Book
It may not count since it's a script, but on the receipt it said, 'Book'. So I'm going with Harry Potter and The Cursed Child

Q 3; Favorite Movie
The Prisoner of Azkaban

Q 4; Least Favorite Movie
I love Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince, but the Movie was too confusing.

Q 5; Favorite Quote
"Your just as sane as I am"

Q 6; Favorite Weasley

Q 7; Female Character
It's a tie between Ginny and Luna

Q 8; Favorite Villain
Bellatrix.... Is it wrong?

Q 9; Favorite Male Character

Q 10; Favorite Professor


Q 11; Wash Snape's hair or spend a day listening to Lockheart rant to himself
I want to see Snape's hair get wet, it would be funny

Q 12; Spend a day with an elated Bellatrix or an angry Molly

Q 13; Kiss Voldemort or give Umbridge a bath
I'll take my chances with Voldemort

Q 14; Go on a train to Hogwarts or take a car
I'll take the Express

Q 15; Ride a Hippogriff or ride a Firebolt


Q 16; Is their a Character you felt was different in the movies?
No, not that I can think of

Q 17; Is their a movie you preferred instead of the book?
The Prisoner of Azkaban

Q 18; Michel Gambon or Richard Harris
I love them both but we saw more or Michel Gambon.

Q 19; You're top thing that wasn't shown in the movies
They really needed to show more of Harry and Ginny's relationship, but I still ship it!

Q 20; If you could remake one of the films, which would it be?
The Half Blood Prince.... It was too confusing

Q 21; Which house did you first think you would be in?
Ravenclaw, and I sort of am

Q 22; What house where you sorted into?
If you saw my last tag, the next part will make more sense. I was sorted into Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, the first and second time. (I have two accounts and I got my old one back later)

Q 23; What is your favorite class?

Q 24; Which spell is most useful?
Expecto Patronum

Q 25; Which character would you be best friends with?
I can't just choose one, most likely Luna and Ginny

Q 26; If you could own a Hallow which would it be?
The resurrection Stone, if someone else already had it; then the Cloak

Q 27; I'm going to skip this question since I don't have an anwser to it

Q 28; Favorite Marauder?

Q 29; If you could bring one character back, who would it be?
I think this counts; Tonemobbfredwigdore

Q 30; Hallows or Horcrux?

You don't have to but...

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