Chapter 7: Chanyeols little whore

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Baekhyuns POV

My eyelids fluttered open and immediately I began coughing, my lungs and myself gasping for air. The first thing I saw when I passed out was Park Chanyeol, the first thing I'm seeing when I wake up- is Park Chanyeol.

I noticed the tall male had a grin on his lips, causing me to tilt my head in slight confusion. I tried to raise my hand and brush the bangs from my eyes, but I discovered that was impossible at the moment.

I started to panic once noticing my wrists and ankles were being restrained by rope. I was sat in a chair and tied to bottom felt weird-

"Oh, my little whore is awake." Chanyeol cooed towards me and I scrunched up my nose in discomfort.

"Chanyeol, I'm not a whore- u-untie me!" I shouted in protest and in disagreement of what he was saying. He raised an eyebrow then stepped towards me, roughly cupping my chin as tears went down my cheeks.

"Don't give me orders, what the fuck did you call me?" He growled, holding a remote in his other hand before pressing one of the buttons.

"C-Chanye- AH!" I stopped mid sentence, finally realizing that the weird feeling in my bottom was a vibrator. It was attached to the chair. It was in me

I dug nails into the material of the arm rest while the toy vibrated my walls, I found myself gasping for air again. I took in a particularly sharp breath when the toy jabbed itself up against my prostate.

"Ah!" I pathetically moaned to Chanyeol's amusement, he was just watching my face twist uncomfortably in emotions. "Ha-ah" my back arched at the feeling of my prostate being abused by the poorly lubed toy.

"I told you you're a whore, you're moaning." Chanyeol scoffed and I shook my head frantically, rolling my hips unconsciously on the toy.

"Is little Baekhyun going to cum?" He teased in a whisper, the voice just going to my balls as the warmth in my stomach continued. I could only nod, glancing down at my leaking cock and whining since I wasn't able to touch it.

"Tell you what.. If you can go through three more dry orgasms, I'll let you cum." I again nodded my head, desperate to cum even if it was embarrassing to give in. Fuck, will I even make it past 2 dry orgasms?

He leaned down to place a ring around the base of my cock, obviously a cock ring and I trashed around. Chanyeol pushed another button on the remote of his and I felt the pace of the vibrator becoming much quicker, slamming up against my special spot and leaving me sobbing.

The first dry orgasm was coming and I cried harder, I needed to come. I tossed my head back and choked on a breath as the orgasm went through me, causing me only cry harder at the feeling.

I knew I wouldn't make it, I was barely over the first one and drool was dripping down my chin. My breath became even more unsteady as Chanyeol was fondling my balls, God fucking damnit.

He gave the two a slight squeeze and I jerked my head back once more, Chanyeol going up to rub the pad of his thumb on the tip of my leaking cock. "N-No." I whimpered, he ignored it and  ran his long fingers along my length and keeping me writhing in front of him.

The second one came worse, it was more intense and I bucked my hips into Chanyeol's hand as saliva continued down my chin, tears falling to the floor.

I shut my eyes, I couldn't take this. I needed to cum and I definitely wouldn't do another dry orgasm.
"Eyes open, Baekhyun. It's only one more."

I forced my eyes open and looked down at Chanyeol who was turning off the vibrator. I sighed in relief but cried out again when seeing he only did so to add a second toy no where near adjacent to the size of the first.

Oh no no no no

The crying started again, I can't take it. Two things in my ass at once? Nope!
"C-Chanyeol... I can't take it...please." I begged, more tears forming in my eyes and threatening to spill out.

"I don't care. " he retorted bluntly and I screamed loudly, both toys fucking me open and Chanyeol not listening to my desperate cries. Blood began to trickle down between my legs and Chanyeol only smirked, watching as my final dry orgasm came up. It was painful, no pleasure- it hurt more than anything I've ever experienced.

I just wanted it to be over

Finally, after what seemed for an hour, nothing was moving inside me. Chanyeol was removing the cock ring,wrapping slender fingers around my length, and pumping.

It took not even a minute for me to cum, shooting white ribbons on Chanyeol's chest and on the floor. I shuddered wildly through my long over due and well needed orgasm.

Next, my wrists and legs were untied from their restraints but I was still sat on the toy in the chair.

"C-Chanyeol... Help me. I can't.. Get up.." I sniffled, my ass was completely torn. I could NOT move

He only gave a light chuckle, shaking his head. "I don't do aftercare."

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