Chapter 4

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I wake up the next morning in my bed, alone. I made Ethan sleep on the couch because I'm not sleeping with shit.

I get up and take a shower, brush my teeth and wear black leggings, a grey knit up sweater and adidas superstars.

After that I go downstairs and notice all I have in the fridge was the water bottle from yesterday.

Is this what my mom goes through. Going grocery shopping?

I mentally slap my forehead. I go inside my car that my dad brought yesterday.

I put the key in the ignition and start my car. I drive to a Walmart near by and go buy some groceries.


"Your total will be $128.37" the cashier said.

I get my credit card and slide it through the machine. I enter the code and a receipt came out. I thanked her and ride my cart back to my car and go home.

After putting away all the groceries I finally get to eat breakfast. "Where were you?" Ethan asked.

"I went to go buy us food." I said.

"Uh ok." He said.

I went up to the tv room and watched some Netflix.

I heard the front door shut and I see Ethan gone. After a few minutes he comes back with a friend.

They come to the tv room where I was.

"Yo who's this girl? IS THIS CLAIR? Holy shit your lucky man she's fucking sexy." his friend said.

"Yeah yeah." Ethan said. The guy who called me sexy sat next to me "I'm Justin." He said.

I was kinda uncomfortable. "I'll be back." I said and went to the kitchen for a glass of water.

"Where do you think your going?" Someone said.

I looked behind me and saw Justin coming towards me.

"Just a glass of water." I said.

"Oh really?" He said.

"Yea I need to stay hydrat-" I was interrupted by a him kissing me.

I push him off. "Get off me!" I said.

"And if I don't?" He said.

"I will punch the living shit out of you." Ethan said behind him.

i started drinking more water. Beef bouta drop man.

Ethan started punching him and kicking him. Justin got up and did the same to him. Ethan fought back and they both were on the floor breathless.

Ethan got up and carried him. He then threw him down the forest near our house.

He got back inside and went inside the kitchen for a glass of water.

"You cut of your lip, let me help you clean it." I said.

"It's fine." He said said walking away. i grabbed his wrist.

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