Chapter 1: One Particular Tutor

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A/N: That's right! Two books in 5 days with a total of 7 chapters. This is actually one of the best things I get to do on a daily basis. I wanted to thank 36Hannah for showing (and forcing) this service to me. I really appreciate it H. But anyways without further interruption I give you my next high school thingy majig.

Terry Jones wasn't a hard working student. Not by any means. But to his credit he had only really been in school for a year. His mother had homeschooled him on the farm for the first 7 years and he had spent the eighth grade at a remedial school (which he passed with flying colours) and he was just now going to a real school. Because he lived on the farm he was forced to go to a boarding school in the biggest city in Queensland.

He was forced off of his sparse property and forced into the bustling city scape. It was all very new to him. But he enjoyed it. And he liked all his boarding school friends. However after the first term he was required to have a tutor in order to pass the sufficient amount of classes to stay at this fancy school. His tutor was going to be someone from his grade, a day student in fact.

He was a little unsure at first because he didn't know that many day students, but then he thought if it was enough to keep him at a school his mother had paid a lot to get him into, it was worth the effort. So on the day his tutoring would begin he sat at the library, the quietest spot in the whole school, and waited, trying to get set up. While he was busy with this he heard a familiar voice from behind him.

"Um excuse me. Are you Terry Jones?"

"Why yes I am, how may I help you?" He said turning. After he did he saw the girl (and only day student) that he immediately recognised. Katherine Smith.

Katherine Smith was the definition of an overachiever. Or at least that's what they all said. She didn't think she was that special. She just wanted to do well. She wanted to be known for doing good things for good people and for getting straight A's. She was born in Brisbane and had done extensive study in a variety of schools. Eventually she wound up at ST. Peterson's boarding school. Keep in mind she wasn't a boarder, just a day student.

Although there was one boarder who had caught her attention. She was sure that she had caught his attention as well, always being a representative for her grade at school assemblies. However he wasn't like the rest of them, despite having a very similar story. The rest of the boys would talk about women as objects and brag about how many animals they had killed back on their farms. However this boy who she had never spoken to, was always quiet and reserved during these conversations. He was also the only one to actually try in class and he tried hard. However his grades still came back as C- to F.

This then gave her a great idea in order to get to know him a little better. She went to the headmaster and suggested a tutor who could help raise his grades and of course she volunteered herself for the position. She was granted this position and was told the boy's name was Terry Jones. She really liked that name. When she had been told she would start the day after her conversation with the headmaster, she was elated. And all throughout the day she was waiting for that moment. At the end of the school day she walked to the library and immediately spotted him sorting out his equipment. She walked over to him and double checked she had the right boy.

"Um excuse me. Are you Terry Jones?" She asked a little softer than she had intended.

"Why yes I am, how may I help you?" He responded as directly as he possibly could.

"I'm your tutor for the next few months!" She told him with a smile.

"That's great." He said returning her smile. "You know I don't know a heap of day students. So I'm glad I was lucky enough to get such a wonderful one to help me."

"That's sweet. But if you wouldn't mind I think we should get on this." She told him while internally screaming in delight.

"Sure thing. Where would you like to start?"

A/N: Done! Hope you guys enjoy the beginning (and the rest of course) of this little experiment of mine. If so then that's great. Please tell me. And if not. Still tell me it'll help to know which I should put more time into. Thank you for reading and as always enjoy the storyline to come.

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