Chapter 4: Planning

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A/N: Ok before we start, thank you to everyone that added this story to their reading lists, but a HUGE thank you to my 8 new followers. You guys are amazing. Finally, a HUGE apology to all of you for disappearing for so long. I'm not going to be gone for that long ever again. Anyways let's begin

The wait from Wednesday afternoon to Friday afternoon never felt THIS long. On any other week the days would pass at what never felt like a 'FAST' rate but it was UNDERSTANDABLE at least! This was just torture by any other name. Finally the 3:00 bell rang on that Friday and Terry bolted to the library. He stopped outside and looked in the window reflection, pausing to straighten up, (well as much as you can after doing a cross country of your school) and then calmly walked inside.

The two days went by a lot quicker for Katherine, but only because she was so busy. In that span of time, she had worked on 3 assignments, wrote another few chapters for her library works and helped out at the local soup kitchen. After all that she felt defeated by the week, but that wasn't about to stop her from discussing her plans with Terry. Because despite everything else, she had still thought of him in the back of her mind while doing everything else.

"Hey Katherine!" He called in a voice a little too loudly for a library. This quickly brought upon a collective "SHHHH" from everyone. Except for Katherine of course. She instead giggled at his mistake. That one giggle made him not care about the dozens of evil eyes he was receiving.

"Hello Terry, how have you been?" She asked in a surprisingly sweet manner.

"Aw yeah I've been good. Just bored I suppose. I went over the revision we did but it just wasn't as fun alone." He responded. This prompted a blush from her and she quickly shook it away.

"Ok so about tomorrow night." She began

"We're still going aren't we?" He quickly cut in, terrified.

"Yes of course we are you have nothing to worry about there." She assured him.

"Ok then, that's good." He smiled back

"However I do want to set up a few ground rules and just an outline of how I want tomorrow to go." She said in a casual tone.

"Such as?" Came the half sarcastic response.

"Rule 1: no physical contact beyond dancing positions
Rule 2: under no circumstances are you to refer to me as 'your girl' or anything similar
"Rule 3: I am to leave at no later than 9 PM. Any attempts to stop me leaving at that time will result in the termination of our friendship and you having to find a new tutor. Are we clear?" She told him by memory.

"Yeah of course" came the stuttered response. But of course by the end of the night all 3 rules would be broken. It was just a matter of finding out the right way to go about such a difficult task.

"Great! Well was there anything you wanted to address or question while I'm here?" She inquired

"Well actually I was wondering how formal these things are? I've actually never been to any school dances so I'm not sure what the dress code is." He said while shuffling his feet back and forth.

"Oh really? Well um I guess you should wear nice long pants and a button shirt? And in case you were wondering I'll be wearing a dress." She ended with a chuckle.

"Yeah right. Well I hope tomorrow will be more fun and less business." He joked back.

"I'm sure it will be." Came her response with her signature sweet smile.

"Ok I'll see you tomorrow then." He concluded by standing up and walking back to his dorm room.

"Yeah I'll see you then." Katherine whispered and then shook a little from excitement.

A/N: kind of a short chapter I know but I'll try to get back into the habit so forgive my slowness. Once again THANK YOU ALL for everything you guys have done. Please tell me if there's anything you want in particular in terms of my writing style, ideas for where this story could go etc. and I'll do my best to incorporate them. Also I reply to almost every comment so if you're curious about any elements just ask. Until next time (some time soon) hope you enjoyed!

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