Chapter 2: Introductions

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A/N: It's about time we got back to this story. But here we are. Here we go.

Terry decided to select his weakest subject to start off with which was maths. They worked on solving simultaneous equations and trigonometry for about 2 hours until he was sure he understood the problems well enough to solve them on his own. Once maths was completed he stood up and walked over to the library window. It was an impressive structure. It stood over 20 metres tall with 7 floors full of reading material, with the top 4 floors relegated to non-fiction school work, and the 2 floors below that being assigned to novels and comic books respectively.

The bottom floor was something special. With the whole room being filled with short stories from various students who had a penchant for writing. And in the centre of the room, in front of the stair case, was the only book to be officially published from a member of the school. Terry had read it and he had admitted it was an impressive work. But it was NOTHING when compared to the writings of Katherine. She had written 3 different stories, all with various genres and feels to them, and he had read every word. She was just so good at what she did! Terry of course tried to match her ability by writing 3 books of his own. He was happy with how they had turned out but they were still elementary in comparison to her works. In fact he liked writing so much that it began to be a hobby of his. Something to do when all other options had been exhausted or a long day of school had just finished and he needed to unwind. He was forever thankful to Katherine for that.

Katherine was staring at the boy with a look of curiosity. She understood that this had been a complicated process and it wasn't going to become any easier so breaks were expected. But she thought he'd go and get some food or stretch his legs with a run around the campus. This calm and intelligent side of him was a complete surprise to her. But then she thought about the books he had published on the first floor. The interesting characters, the beautiful stories and the creativity he brought to everything he did. Suddenly she saw the country stereotype fall away from him and saw him for what he was. A bright boy who had a little trouble devoting himself to bettering who he was. All this time she had it backwards. She was trying to teach a completely different person.

Then she smiled as a genius, if not somewhat mischievous, idea came to her.
Terry spun around and caught her staring at him with a smile on her face and chuckled to himself.

"Didn't know my back was so interesting." He jested.

"Well I think you don't know someone until you see them completely. Wouldn't you agree?" She answered back sincerely.

"Definitely. Anything you want to know in particular about me?" He asked her, making full eye contact for the first time in at least 30 minutes.

"Not really. Just wondering where you got the ideas for all those great stories I read downstairs." She looked at him sweetly. After hearing this he froze. She knew. She had READ all his books. He felt honoured and afraid at the same time. What if she thought they were awful? Abominations in the face of literature. He managed to shake those thoughts and answer her question.

"Uh well I kinda just take some things from my life and create a situation in my head and think about how that would affect those real life situations." Came the stuttered response.

"Clever. Mine are all just off the top of my head. Well for the most part." She spoke with an elusive tone. "Mysterious yet beautiful at the same time' Terry thought. But he could only focus on how incredible her stories were for being something 'just off the top of her head'. His all took days of planning and brainstorming and she was able to hammer them out like no one's business.

"Well that's impressive. I'll give you that."

"Why thank you. You're so generous." She joked.

"Uh no I meant to say..." He started to say but was cut off with

"Relax I'm just kidding with you." She rolled her eyes at him.

"Right. Sorry." Came the awkward response from the boy.

"Should we start history now?" She asked trying to get back on topic.

"Ready when you are." He responded with a grin on his face from his new and incredible friend.

A/N: I'll start going systematically from here on out. Going a kind of story by story thing. Day one will be this story. Day 2 "An incredible Journey" and day 3 "The Digital Saviour". If you haven't read either of the other series I recommend them because they're further developed then this one. However that will all change in due time. Until such a time though I hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading. Hopefully I'll see you next time.

A country boy and a city girlWhere stories live. Discover now