Chapter: 21

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Re-introducing himself into the 'Wizarding Community' was rather easy, pathetically so. No one even questioned him as he strolled casually into one of their isolated areas, dressed in full Armor, barely even a second glance. It was almost as if they were inviting someone to invade them, even Spicer could probably take them over in a couple months. Passing himself off as one of his own descendants was even simpler, the creatures running the banks didn't even question him as he required access to he old bank account that he'd opened a couple centuries ago, handing his key over without a word. They seemed more suspicious that the humans, Chase suspected they new he wasn't who he claimed, but they also seemed more in-touch with magic that other species and probably knew they shouldn't question him. They could tell he would be able to destroy them all in seconds.

Not to mention his 'ancestor' being present during the founding of the community gave him some leeway with them since being from an ancient and powerful 'family' seemed to make him automatically a part of the communities high society, which seemed to come with extra privileges. Hopefully to would also enable him to gain some capable allies.

In a way it was astounding to think that this was the real place that his Spicer truly belonged to. He had always suspected that Spicer was different due to his ability to use Shen-Gong-Wu unlike normal mortals, but it had never even crossed his mind that the weakling would come from such a place saturated in magic.

He only had to walk down one of their market streets to witness numerous examples of misused magic.

Magic is a sacred, mystical art, no matter how diluted or bastardized, and he'd seen these mortals use it for idiotic and frivolous reasons. But he had to admit that the more he observed them the more he noticed some useful and inventive means that they used it.

Though be them few and far between.

He could only hope that his Spicer was being though some of those useful spells and not only the redundant ones that could easily be done by hand.

But first Chase needed to integrate himself into the high society more so he could find a reason to visit the communities Academy and see his minion. A trip to the British Wizarding Ministry seemed to be in order first.


Jack had missed his home during his time at Hogwarts. Mainly the access to technology, his bots and the internet above all else. He couldn't count how many times a random question had popped into his head and how frustrated he'd been when he remembered that he couldn't just pull out his phone and find the answer on Google.

It was more than a little irritating at how dependent he'd been on technology and honestly still was.

That was probably hoe Pure-Blood students feel during their time away from Hogwarts when they aren't allowed to use magic. Wizards were as dependant on magic as Muggles are on technology.

"Honestly, Jack!" Lucy scolded, dragging the teen away from his computer and out of his lab "I haven't seen you in four months and the first thing you do is when you get home is hide in the basement?!"

"...Homework?" Jack suggested pathetically as his mother shoved him down into one of the dinning room chairs.

"Well you're not going to find anything on the internet to help you" Lucy snorted, seeing past Jack's weak lie "Your school books or our Library should have all the information you need"

"Fine" Jack grumbled, sulking back in his chair as a maid poured him a cup of tea.

"Now lets catch-up, shall we?" Lucy asked sweetly, taking a sip of her own tea "Narcissa told me that you haven't been spending any time with Draco. Why not? I thought you liked him"

"Yeah, well, we don't really cross paths often" Jack shrugged, playing with a stack of sugar cubes, balancing them on top of each other "We're in different Houses after all, and in class we usually just hangout with our own friends"

"Don't you like him anymore, Sweety?" she asked, slightly concerned for some reason Jack couldn't be bothered to think about.

"Nah, he's cool on his own, but he's kind of a prat when he's with his Slytherin friends. Besides, my friends are okay with morbid sense of humor, but I doubt they would put-up with how much of a jerk Draco can be too"

"Well, could you try and make more of an effort to at least talk to him from now on?" she asked hopefully "The Spicer's and Malfoy's have always been close, you fathers aunt even married one, and I would hate for you to break this tradition"

"Alright" Jack sighed, subtly rolling his eyes. It wasn't like Draco had sought him out either, he hoped the blond was getting a lecture too since it wouldn't be fair if he was the only one getting a tongue lashing "Can we talk about something else now?"

"I wouldn't have to bug you about this if you actually responded to my letters every now any then" Lucy stated bluntly "So, you and this Cedric boy?..."

"Ugh!" the Goth groaned, dropping his head down onto the table "Not again, Mom! I told you we've only been going out for a couple months, it's not like we're really serious yet"

"Well, he seems like a good lad anyway" Lucy smiled, patting the teens head affectionately "Very handsome. Just make sure to use protection, okay?"

"Mom! No! Just... No!" Jack snapped, blushing darkly at her insinuation "I just said we weren't serious! We haven't even started making-out yet!"

"It's best to be prepared, Sweetheart" Lucy giggle teasingly "You are a teenage boy after all. I'll have Walter buy some condoms while we're dress shopping just in-case"


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